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Corrupted Gcode after a while  

New Member
Corrupted Gcode after a while

I have experienced what I believe is some corrupted gcode files after a while sitting on the USB stick and wonder if anyone else is experiencing the same. What happens is I slice a file and print it and everything works fine. Then after printing other things I go back to print that same gcode that worked fine it appears to be corrupted causing the heads to crash at the same level. I had this happen with at least two different gcode files. Anyone else experience this? The USB stick is one I bought, because the Prusa one had already died/deleted itself. Same thing happened with my Mk3.9 stick.

Veröffentlicht : 10/04/2024 9:58 am
Trusted Member

I couldn't load any print files from the included Prusa USB stick after updating to 5.x firmware, worked fine in 4.x firmware.

I now have 16GB Sandisk Ultra Fit USB 3 stick and that has been working fine so far, even direct network prints have transferred at decend speed.

Veröffentlicht : 10/04/2024 6:12 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Corrupted Gcode after a while

The included USB stick on my XL and upgrade to Mk3.9 have both failed before this. I am currently using ENUODA 32GB USB on both the XL and the Mk3.9. I ordered a Sandisk USB to see if it is the quality of the USB drive is the issue. A side note is that the mini's USB stick has also been replaced. I currently have no trust in any Prusa supplied USB drive. Sad, considering that reliability is a selling point of the Prusa.

Veröffentlicht : 11/04/2024 11:47 am