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Bad things happen on first layer after tool change  

Eminent Member
Bad things happen on first layer after tool change

I seem to be consistently having issues when I try to print two color designs.  The first color prints fine. But when it switches to the second color, the first layer (or two) of the second color is printing horribly wrong. It seems to me that the nozzle is too cold and the filament coming out is not melting enough and not adhering. I get long strands of filament that are loose (NOT hairy stringing-thick extrusions)

This happens both when color #2 is applied directly to the build plate (i.e. the color change happens in the first layer) or later when color #2 is printing on top of existing color #1.  The thing is, the print usually survives and the following layers print fine--except there's a lot of garbage underneath.

You can see it in this picture.  See all the individual strands under the white logo? Those didn't stick to the preceding layer.

I'm using good, dry filament and both are from the same vendor. Both filaments print just fine on their own.

Note: I tried turning "ooze prevention off" in case that mattered. No change. I am printing with stock 0.6mm nozzles and the stock generic PLA profile.

What's going on at the tool change that's causing this?

Opublikowany : 29/12/2023 12:04 am
Eminent Member

This isn’t an XL-specific problem, and printing slower and hotter has always solved it for me. 

Opublikowany : 29/12/2023 12:11 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bad things happen on first layer after tool change

This is DEFINITELY an XL specific problem. The filaments in question print perfectly on other designs on the same printer with the exact same print settings. The designs in question print PERFECTLY on the same printer with the same filaments, when printed as a single color design with the same print settings. The issue only occurs during the FIRST TOOL CHANGE  during the print, and last I checked the XL is the only prusa printer with more than one tool head.

Opublikowany : 29/12/2023 1:31 am
Nikhil S. polubić
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bad things happen on first layer after tool change

SOLVED: It turns out I needed to rerun the tool offset calibration, which I had not done after changing out a nozzle. 

Opublikowany : 29/12/2023 3:57 am
Nikhil S. i Marc polubić