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eliminating elephan foot - how to set up prusaslicer?  

New Member
eliminating elephan foot - how to set up prusaslicer?

Hello everyone,

I am struggling with my SL1S and its ability to print very geometric objects. They tend to bend in different directions and supports doesn't really help or destroys the outer surfaces. So I tried to print directly on the print plate. However, the first few layers seem to build up like a trapezoid, extending well outside the model (roughly 0.3-0.5mm). I found out, that it has to do with the extremely long curing time of the first few layers as well as with the transitioning layer. If anyone knows how to get rid of this issue, I would appreciate your help.

I too found a very promising approach: eliminating elephants foot from 3d resin prints : Phrozen ( However, I cannot set up prusaslicer in the way I would have to: The bottom layers cannot be set by number, and it is impossible to set faded layers to 0 (minimum is 3). Is there any workaround available, or does anyone know the settings I would have to use to make it work like in the link provided?


Thank you very much in advance!

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 2 years par Sanjay_Chilling
Publié : 31/08/2022 2:14 pm
Trusted Member
RE: eliminating elephan foot - how to set up prusaslicer?

My view is that elephants foot is due to the meniscus of the resin, coupled with bleed of the UV light during the initial long exposure times. To compensate for this on the first layers, I apply a 0.5mm chamfer to the face of the model on the build plate and then print directly on the build plate. This gives a pretty good result

Publié : 18/10/2023 9:15 pm
MikeH a aimé
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