Thumping sound when tilting vat returns to level position
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Thumping sound when tilting vat returns to level position  

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Eminent Member
RE: Thumping sound when tilting vat returns to level position

Also in both videos, it's passed the initial exposure stage so why would it still be doing it?

Veröffentlicht : 27/11/2021 7:45 pm
Active Member
RE: Thumping sound when tilting vat returns to level position

I thought I read something in the troubleshooting section that said too high exposure could cause it to adhere to the fep too much. I could be way off too, I don't have the book in front of me.

I do know the issue I had was the force was too high when it tried to tilt which caused the issue. Once I made sure to fix my model it went away.

Veröffentlicht : 28/11/2021 12:42 am
Eminent Member

Ok, so it's just started happening again and I think it is the vacuum caused by the part. I have been printing different sized ring shaped parts and today I started to print a 50mm diameter thread test but thought I would hollow out the centre to save on resin but as it tries to tilt the tray you can see as it thumps it eventually releases and the tray drops as it releases. The servo/ stepper realises there was a skip and slowly moves down as it's lost it's position until it hits the lower level sensor and quickly raises again.

I will be printing a range of things that more than likely have some kind of void in the centre of the print...

I would like to know, has anyone here built there SL1 from kit? Is it a stepper or servo? I would be interested to seeing if a more powerful motor could be used or if there was another way to go about this. I used the 25/ 2 second exposure so I don't think it's to do with that.

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 3 years von Mitchimal
Veröffentlicht : 29/11/2021 11:45 am
Active Member
RE: Thumping sound when tilting vat returns to level position

I just upgraded to an sl1s and yeah mine is thumping too with 25/2 seconds. 
I can confirm that it is a stepper motor that tilts the vat. 

Veröffentlicht : 07/12/2021 6:12 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Thumping sound when tilting vat returns to level position

I got an email from support about this. See below.

It still happens on "Slower" profiles. The stepper is just not strong enough to deal with the vacuum caused by hollowed parts... This is a BIG issue for me as so many items I have designed to print need to be hollow but water tight so I can't make drainage holes. I am trying to print a light cover for a job at the moment and so far I am at test print 9. Tried to print it on it's side but the supports can't handle the weight and tear off before it gets to 50% or the print deforms hardcore. I really need it to just print vertical...


thank you for showing the issue in a video! 

We usually see this issue if the objects are hollowed or it's a large print. Both would cause resistance or suction which acts like an object, especially in the fast mode. The first good try is the slow mode which fixes it 90% of the time. other than that, the object might need drainage holes that can be placed manually.

Another thing to check would be the Platform to Display Calibration as it may be miscalibrated from the printing forces or a recent calibration try which failed. If anything is loose, it definitely would need another calibration and it would be best to try first and then run a test print. 

If you are in the calibration, please make sure to tighten the cantilever screw very well by using the long side of the hex key if you are sure the platform is completely flat on the display. 

Our developers will check your log file meanwhile. Please let me know if any of these points helped to solve the issue your printer has


Kind regards, 

Sarah Kapodistria

Technical Support"

Veröffentlicht : 12/12/2021 12:35 pm
joeybronzoni gefällt das
Todd @ Figure Forge
Active Member
RE: Thumping sound when tilting vat returns to level position

I'm also experiencing this. My feeling is that it's the high viscosity of the resin stopping the platform from returning to level as it normally would and causing a skip in the motor.

Not sure what the answer to this is really, other than Prusa updating the firmware to handle it. Even going at 'slower' it's not managing it. Perhaps the 'slower' profile could be tweaked to retract more slowly and give the resin time to get out of the way when the surface area is above a particular threshold.

Thicker resins are fairly commonplace for professional and prosumer users and given that this is where the SL1S is marketed, we really need the support to be able to use the resins we need with this machine.

Veröffentlicht : 14/03/2022 8:44 pm
Eminent Member

Yes, I've spoken to support and they don't say anything that we haven't already tried. There still isn't the ability to change the tilt profile timing which I find rediculous... 

Being able to choose tilt or retract or a mixture of both to separate from the FEP film should be default for a machine this expensive. It's as simple as writing code so I'm lost too how this isn't being looked at. I've had so many models that have caused stalling of the tilt stepper. These models have to be printed without supports as they're flat surfaces or have walls that can't have surface blemishes from supports.. even last night I was trying to print a USB camera housing and no matter which way I positioned it with endless supports it deformed because I couldn't just print flat on the bed because it would stall...

Veröffentlicht : 14/03/2022 11:37 pm
Todd @ Figure Forge
Active Member

Agreed, perhaps they're thinking that going with simply the 'faster' and 'slower' option makes the printer easier to use. But given that we're all using different resins and have different printing requirements compared to what is the assumed 'normal', we need more granular control: there's simply no reason to hamstring the printer like this. I can only assume, as a long time MK3S+ user, it could easily be a hidden 'expert' option in Prusaslicer to avoid confusing people who want a plug and play experience.

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 3 years 2 mal von Todd @ Figure Forge
Veröffentlicht : 16/03/2022 8:43 am
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