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CW1S impeller not spinning during wash  

Active Member
CW1S impeller not spinning during wash

It starts to spin then stops, as if the resistance of the alcohol is too much.  I read someone elevated the spinning plate beneath with a shim but I would think you would want the magnets closer.  Anyone else having this issue?  Basically, the washing function is useless as the impeller just (after about three seconds of trying to spin) just sits there.  Perhaps a larger ball bearing under the impeller?  Maybe a way to raise the platform including the magnets closer to the tank?  Anyone come up with a fix?   My CW1S shipped Dec 2023 so it's fairly new.

Respondido : 20/02/2024 9:16 pm
Trusted Member
RE: CW1S impeller not spinning during wash

Hi there, I have just had exactly the same issue with a brand new (1 week old) unit.  I have had one before and it never exhibited this problem.

The only way I could resolve it was to put less IPA in the tank so it only just covers the basket, and to slow the rotation speed down to 8/10.

Respondido : 15/03/2024 6:42 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: CW1S impeller not spinning during wash

Thank you Andy - I’ll try it.  

Respondido : 15/03/2024 1:17 pm
Active Member Registered, Customer
RE: CW1S impeller not spinning during wash

The issue is the tanks that Prusa is supplying. Some tanks are deeper than other by a few millimeters. I have four vats:

Vat 1 is 185 mm deep (from top of lip to bottom of vat measured inside) and the impeller tries to spin but gives up as the plate increases speed.

Vat 2 is 187 mm deep. the impeller will spin most times, but not with the cleaning basket in place.

Vats 3 & 4 are the newest vats and are 193mm deep and the impeller will spin reliably.

The solution is more consistency in the manufacture of the vats, but baring that, stronger magnets in both the impeller and the spin plate.

Respondido : 15/03/2024 2:20 pm