Constantly "Changing Filament"message on new machine?
I'm new to all this and started off by loving my new Mk4S. Which I have had for five days. Prebuilt and very easy to get going on the basic setting. I have printed a number of test items and am still on my first Prusa supplied PLA filament. However, as of yesterday it has started showing the "Changing filament" dialogue on every print and just now three times on a 10 minute flat keyring print!
The machine present the dialogue, parks the head and I have no choice but to remove filament, clip the end and re insert as if new. And off it goes, only to present the same issue a couple of minutes later.
I hope this is not way things will go?
The first few days were a joy!
can someone please help?
Someone please help?
RE: Constantly "Changing Filament"message on new machine?
Sounds like a problem with your filament sensor. ( I just had a similar issue on my XL). See for tips on how to clean it. It shouldn't be necessary after just a few prints with a preassembled machine but there are always lemons.
The other, much less like. idea is that you have inadvertently introduced a filament change in Prusaslicer but in that case you would only see it with that model, not other things.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Constantly "Changing Filament"message on new machine?
Thanks FoxRun3D, that is really helpful and I'll follow the link and see if that helps. Out of interest how often generally, does the filament sensor need cleaning and what leads to issues? It really started to cause issues towards the end of this, the first reel of filament. I'd wondered whether there was a slight tension issue. The filament seemed to rolling of the reel quite easily though.
RE: Constantly "Changing Filament"message on new machine?
Hi Fox Run, I've cleaned sensor and it printed a 130mm tall shim without stopping for a filament change. I can only assume you were right. Other suggestions may be the solution next time, Thanks all.
RE: Constantly "Changing Filament"message on new machine?
If this problem comes back, it might also be an issue with the strain gauge noticing higher than expected nozzle pressure. Make sure your nozzle doesn't have a partial clog and if convenient try another nozzle to see if the problem persists.
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