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Customize Firmware  

Active Member
Customize Firmware

Hello everyone,

I was thinking about the possibility of making small changes in the SL1 firmware, adding features or playing with them as it is open source. Nothing real specific yet (maybe control over Z-position, pausing print and lift platform for modified prints...). Therefore, I wanted to have a look at the firmware but got stuck pretty quickly. My knowledge concerning software developments (and github) is completely basic at best. So far, simple python coding is all I did (working on Windows).

I was wondering, if there is an explanation on how and where to customize the firmware or how to get there? I found the link to the firmware on github ( https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-SL1), but am not experienced enough to know how to proceed. I clone the repo on GitHub for Windows and scanned the folders, but couldn't find any code snippets or scripts, that would really concern "easy tasks" (for example the z-axis positioning or the image loading of the .sl1 file and "translation" to the LCD screen, tilt movements, ...).

Could someone help me with how to start this process? Or knows where to find the parts of code, that determine the actual printing process. Or would you say, that the firmware is too elaborated to easily adapt or change it with basic python knowledge only? Thanks for any advice, suggestions or help!

Respondido : 05/08/2021 4:56 pm
Noble Member

I am a professional programmer and the SL1 firmware confuses me. They are not the most pretty codebases, but I've poked around the MK3, MMU2, and CW1 firmwares to figure out what I needed or to make changes. I am so far at a loss on the SL1. As a professional I have to assume that there is a method to what they have set up, but it is not straight forward to just jump into as a spare time thing.

I'd really like to add a "cleaning" mode (raises Z and then exposes the full build area) to it, but so far I haven't been able to spend enough time to understand how (or where) to do it.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Respondido : 06/08/2021 5:33 am
Carsten me gusta
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Thanks for your reply. I was hoping there would be an easy explanation on what I did wrong or where and how to look for the files (which of course is a hard thing to do from only the description above), but I guess the whole thing is not as straight forward as imagined.

Just to make sure: In theory, everything should be in the "Prusa-Firmware-SL1" folders and nothing needs to be compiled or installed in order to work on the code of the firmware?

Respondido : 06/08/2021 7:36 am
Noble Member

Now that I'm at my computer...

I forget how it's connected (and it's not obvious just poking through the GitHUB UI), but more of the source is over at https://gitlab.com/prusa3d/sl1. I'm not sure why they have broken it up this way, but that appears to be were most of the actual code is. What it appears to me is that GitHUB contains the management for building the firmware which GitLab contains the actual source for the various functions.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Respondido : 06/08/2021 2:44 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Yes, that helped a lot! Thank you

Respondido : 06/08/2021 3:05 pm