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Painting with 3D resin on resin print?  

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Eminent Member
Painting with 3D resin on resin print?

Just wondering: has anyone tried putting 3D resin (of one colour) with a paintbrush or other tool on top of a resin 3D print in another colour to create a two tone resin 3D print?


I have several 3D designed items that would benefit from having two colours on the surface.

Prusa MK3S
Prusa SL1
Prusa CW1
Anet ET5 pro
Anycubic Mono X

Respondido : 03/02/2021 11:29 pm
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?

This might help:


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 04/02/2021 3:58 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?

@cwbullet Sorry, but that is not what I am talking about.


I am not talking about putting paint on a 3D print.


I am talking about putting a different colour of resin by hand on top of a resin 3D print, and then curing that extra layer of resin.


Prusa MK3S
Prusa SL1
Prusa CW1
Anet ET5 pro
Anycubic Mono X

Respondido : 04/02/2021 8:20 am
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?


I have reserach resin printers but do nto own my self.  I Use them, at a local maker space.  I will ask, but I do not think that is possible.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 04/02/2021 11:18 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?


I know that it is possible, it's simply a matter of taking a paint brush and putting some resin of a different colour on top of a finished resin 3D print, then putting the whole thing in my CW1 to cure.

What I am looking for is someone who has already done this and who might be able to give me some tips *before* I start inventing the wheel on my own.

Prusa MK3S
Prusa SL1
Prusa CW1
Anet ET5 pro
Anycubic Mono X

Respondido : 04/02/2021 11:22 am
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?


Since you know, just do it and post the results.  Entertain us all.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 04/02/2021 11:34 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?
Posted by: @cwbullet


Since you know, just do it and post the results. Arrogance can be quite entertrain...

It has nothing to do with arrogance but everything with hoping to learn from others, not making the same mistakes.

Besides, if you read my initial post carefully (instead of replying twice with posts that do not address my initial question about whether someone else has already done that), I'm solely asking if someone else has already done it, not if it is possible.

Prusa MK3S
Prusa SL1
Prusa CW1
Anet ET5 pro
Anycubic Mono X

Respondido : 04/02/2021 11:38 am
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?


I appolgize - I changed my message.  I wrote it before my morning coffee while havign hypoxia on the the exercise bike.  It might even be the fumes from ABS as my printers print in the back ground.  

My whole point is thta a serarch by google and forum did nto surn up anaything.  Just do it and show the result.  It will be entertaining to the forum.  I am ordering an SLI in the next week.  I will try it.  I will also ask at the local makersapce.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 04/02/2021 11:49 am
Noble Member
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?

From my experience UV resin is to thick to use it similar to paint.

But you can indeed use it to build up a print. Thick layers of opaque resin only cure on the surface. So best would be using light layers or long curing times with transparent resin.

If you don't want to fill or glue something, but just want to colour/dye parts of the model I would still recommend using acrylic ink or paint followed by one or two layers of varnish.


Respondido : 04/02/2021 1:42 pm
Noble Member
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?
Posted by: @cwbullet

 I am ordering an SLI in the next week.

Why do you ordering an SL1, when the SLXL and presumably the SL2 are already teased?

Respondido : 04/02/2021 1:46 pm
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?


That is an excellant point.  I will have to think on that.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 04/02/2021 1:47 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?


Thank you, that is useful information.

The problem with using anything but resin to colour the prints is that the items that I am printing will be both relatively flexible and will be touching skin. I'm not sure what is in that paint, ink or varnish, but in my experience (from painting military models) most paint tends to crack once the item that it's put on starts to flex.

Prusa MK3S
Prusa SL1
Prusa CW1
Anet ET5 pro
Anycubic Mono X

Respondido : 04/02/2021 1:55 pm
Noble Member
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?

Acrylics contain pigments, acryl and water. They are totally harmless (a lot of professional painters do even lick their brushes to form them during painting). Alcohol inks are different kind of beasts. Those are pigments solved in some kind of alcohol and additives. But they should be harmless either after the solvent has vaporized.

Easy fix: Instead of plain acrylics, you could mix them with Polyurethane. (Like this one)

PU is flexible and doesn't crack that easy.

Respondido : 04/02/2021 2:19 pm
Noble Member
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?

I think the biggest issue is that resin is not going to want to stay where you put it and it won't dry like normal paint. I think to get any semblance of working you would have to do very thin coats and cure between each coat. It would likely take a number of coats before the color started coming out as desired.

What I have considered trying (but haven't gotten around to yet) is using UV resin like an enamel. For example printing dice in one color and then using a syringe to deposit a different color in the number markings.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Respondido : 04/02/2021 4:29 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?


Thank you, that is also what the last couple of hours of testing have shown me.
The (Grey E-sun and white Anycubic) resin that I applied to different surfaces in thin layers doesn't stay in place but follows the route that gravity allows it.
Additionally, except for a few spots at the top of individual printed items, it doesn't seem to want to cure in the CW1, despite having already used several hours of curing and drying cycles.
Besides using resin only in thin layers I had also tried the enamel style of approach, but again, the resin simply refuses to cure, although gradually showing a more intense white colour in the "valleys" between the higher points, it's clearly staying liquid.

So yes, it does seem possible to paint resin on a 3D printed resin object, but progress seems to be very slow and not nearly having the effect that I was aiming for.

Good lesson, though! 🙂

Prusa MK3S
Prusa SL1
Prusa CW1
Anet ET5 pro
Anycubic Mono X

Respondido : 04/02/2021 4:53 pm
Noble Member
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?

That's odd that it's not curing as I wouldn't expect the amount would impact it's ability to cure. Probably a silly question, but are you sure the overhead LEDs (under the tank arms) are working properly?

Now you have me curious. I'll see if I can't dig up something to test with later today and give it a shot with Prusa's orange on Elegoo Grey.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Respondido : 04/02/2021 5:06 pm
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?


Thanks for sharing.  I have a couple of those learning lessons that will lead to me not doing it a certain way next time.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 04/02/2021 5:13 pm
Noble Member
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?

I may be wrong, but is it possible that you tried to dilute the resin?

This will not work. IPA, TPM or water will break down the internal structures of the resin so that it can no longer cure properly.

Respondido : 04/02/2021 5:18 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?


Nope, pure resin, out of two brand new bottles that are good until 01-2022 and 11-2021.


Stuff came pouring out just like I am used to seeing it from several other bottles, consistency wise.

Prusa MK3S
Prusa SL1
Prusa CW1
Anet ET5 pro
Anycubic Mono X

Respondido : 04/02/2021 5:37 pm
RE: Painting with 3D resin on resin print?


I think you might be right.  Knowing the polymer properties.  I think a solvent might hinder the reaction.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 04/02/2021 5:38 pm
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