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RE: MK3.5 -Failed Hotend temperature test/
Hi everyone, sadly, I have to report the same issue with the topic starter Mk3 upgraded to 3.5. During the heater self-test, it awaits cooling to 35C and starts heating, expecting the normal heater to get to 290C in 1 minute. I even used a gas torch, but then the temperature overshoots, and at 300C, the firmware restarts the printer. Is that a bug of 6.0.4, or am I doing something wrong?
Postato : 19/08/2024 10:59 am
RE: MK3.5 -Failed Hotend temperature test/
Thanks, lying about the nozzle type got me past the hot end check. Hopefully Prusa will fis the firmware to allow me to specify a stock hot end without the sock,
i've use the same solution for past the hotend check with the latest firmaware 6.1.2 (08/23/2024).
Postato : 26/08/2024 7:05 am
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