Z-Axis Test fails after 3.5 upgrade (first layer and printing flawlessly - annoying Test fail reminder
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Z-Axis Test fails after 3.5 upgrade (first layer and printing flawlessly - annoying Test fail reminder  

Active Member
Z-Axis Test fails after 3.5 upgrade (first layer and printing flawlessly - annoying Test fail reminder

After having updated my 3s+ to 3.5 everything is fine and after some minor adjusting issues it only keeps on constantly failing z-axis test. 
that does not bother me to much as the printer prints perfectly and even MMU3 prints well (after I understood some changes in the way it works now).
I tried quite a lot of changes to get the z-axis test passed. I even went into the secret configuration menu and experimented with different values for z-axis length with no effect (so I got back to default).

In the test the z axis goes up to the top like normal and after the usual ugly noise on the top it starts  going down to 50mm and moving x-axis. Two green x-es for x and y.  After that it goes down to zero with just not touching the build plate (as it should). Than the Extruder goes up some centimeters and gives red x failing to complete the z-axis test.

any ideas what else I could try to get the z-axis test passed?

- I tried test with and without building plate

- I tried with and without nozzle (revo six)

- I flashed the actual firmware again. 

Or is there a way I can switch off the anoying reminder about not finishing all configuration tests. I understand the intention of this message but if the printer works fine and I know there is no error but possible small deviations from factory values,  then I wish I would be able to permanently switch off  this message on printer startup.


Napsal : 02/04/2024 9:14 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z-Axis Test fails after 3.5 upgrade (first layer and printing flawlessly - annoying Test fail reminder

after having installed firmware 6.0 all tests pass.

by the way, firmware 6.0 is great and touch option a nice surprise! 

Napsal : 19/04/2024 8:28 pm
Felix Andrea

I also encountered the same problem after upgrading to MK3.5. The most annoying thing is that the printer works perfectly but keeps showing Z-axis test error message. I tried re-checking the mechanical parts of the Z axis, but nothing unusual. A temporary solution I found is to skip the Z-axis test in the settings if everything else is working fine. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Posted by: @clamikra

after having installed firmware 6.0 all tests pass.

by the way, firmware 6.0 is great and touch option a nice surprise! 


Napsal : 23/10/2024 3:51 am