Possible to hang the MMU3-Buffer behind the printer?
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Will this work? Poll is created on Jun 25, 2024


Possible to hang the MMU3-Buffer behind the printer?  

Possible to hang the MMU3-Buffer behind the printer?


Tl;Dr: Is it possible to have the MMU3 filament buffer mounted to a wall behind* the printer?
(It's not about the mounting options, but about if the placement would cause any trouble)


I currently run an MK3S+ and due to space constraints have it sitting on a shelf sideways with the display mounted to the right* side of the printer.

Now I bought a new MK4 and plan to have it sit in the same spot. I also think about adding an MMU3 to it but there will be no way the buffer can fit to the sides* of the printer. On the left* side is a wall and on the right* side is nothing to place it on. Behind** the printer (right* in the whole setup) is a high cupboard and I plan to attach the MMU-buffer to it, tube exit upwards.

I have some room to the front* (right** of the setup) of the printer, to there should be enough room to fit the buffer.

The setup should look like this: (had to mirror the printer as I could not find a picture from the right* side)

The printer is placed so that when Y is all the way back the cable is just shy of touching the cupboard and I plan to place the buffer over the cable as there it will never collide with any prints. Optional I could move the printer to the left** (forward* from printers perspective) and place the buffer on the same level as the printer, but I would prefer the higher placement due to the space saving.

The spools will hang on a wall mount above the printer.

Do you think this is feasible?

Thanks in advance

* :  Direction in relation to the printer
** : Direction in relation to the whole setup, printer facing left.

Respondido : 25/06/2024 8:40 am
Active Member
RE: Possible to hang the MMU3-Buffer behind the printer?

The only real issue to contend with in any placement choices is the friction in the path between the mmu and the buffer. You want to minimize frictional forces. In this context it’s largely the angle from the buffer to the printer that the ptfe tubing will be subjected to. In addition the ptfe tube , especially the 2.5 or 3.0 ID stuff you will need , will require some room to bend otherwise it will collapse. So if you can either change the angle ( by either lower the buffer or inverting it and easing it higher ) or allow for a large arc than it will probably be ok. 

Respondido : 29/06/2024 5:00 pm
GerryPB y Saphir me gusta
Active Member
RE: Possible to hang the MMU3-Buffer behind the printer?

Hi, I have my buyer at the back of The Prusa MK4 Enclosure. That works fine. make sure you have no sharp corners of the tubes. Filament should smooth pass through the tubes.

Regards, Ron

Respondido : 20/07/2024 8:49 pm
Tom De Winter
Estimable Member
RE: Possible to hang the MMU3-Buffer behind the printer?

Like Ron, my buffer is behind the Lack enclosure with the filaments mounted on top. Works great

Respondido : 20/07/2024 9:55 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Possible to hang the MMU3-Buffer behind the printer?

Thanks for the responses. I did order the MMU and already finished most of the setup. Once done I can replace my MK3 with the MK4+MMU. It's looking promising 🙂

Respondido : 21/07/2024 8:53 pm