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MMU3 and E3D Revo Six  

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Estimable Member
MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

Is there anyone that currently using MMU3 with Revo Six? 

I was doing assembling my MK3S+ extruder area and I reached part where I have to remove the hotend to check condition of PTFE. I thought "wait a minute, is MMU compatible with Revo Six?" So, I googled it and I read many complaints about MMU2 and Revo issues - mostly about long thin thread of filament during filament change. And I also heard that E3D haven't tested if works with MMU series. 

Posted : 17/09/2023 10:01 pm
Onno, Tori Berger and liked
Eminent Member

Make sure your Revo Six heating element is good, mine was unable to pass Thermal Model Cal and I had a couple high thermal alarms. Even noticed a few times after filament swaps the temp was way off, too low, too high. Since replacing my heating element it's been rock solid, extruder holds temp amazingly well now.

Other observation . . .  I'm running MK3S+ with Revo Six & MMU3, my firmware is 3.13.1 & 3.3.0 with Prusa Slicer 2.60 & 2.61. My preferred filament is Prusament PETG, Hatchbox PETG and Amazon Basics PETG. Initially I did have some odd prints and stringing, especially my wiping blocks, very ugly. I noticed the Prusa Slicer filament profiles were "off" compared to the non-MMU filament profiles. Meaning if you choose the stand-alone MK3S / MK3S+ machine profile versus the MK3S / MK3S+ MMU3  machine profile. I found this odd, that different machine profiles had their own filament profiles, I thought it was a single database in Prusa Slicer.

Note: My MK3S+ (non-MMU3) machine profile + filament profiles have been working fine as programmed (so defaults are good). It was only when I chose the MK3S+ MMU3 machine profile that the filament profiles seem very different.

Once I noticed the differences I created copies of each filament profile for the MK3S+ MMUs machine profile. It's really only the filament temps, not the heated bed temps.

Example: for Prusament PETG filament profile differences of the same filament:

First Layer = FL

Other Layers = OL

HB First Layer = HFL

HB Other Layers = HOL                              FL  |  OL   | HFL | HOL

with MMU3 Prusament Profile:                230 |  230 |   85  |   90

non-MMMU3 Prusament  Profile:            240 | 250 |   85   |   90

Ever since I noticed this and made my filament temp corrections as with MMU3 specific filament profiles my prints have been exceptional.

Good luck !!


Posted : 18/09/2023 3:17 am
Mezzauk, Tori Berger and liked
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

@Mykal451 Thank you for the detail information. When you mentioned the firmware, I remembered that I had to rollback to 3.11 which is only stability version for Revo. But I did read somewhere about Thermal Model Calibration errors (which I haven't experienced) that encouraged me to rollback to 3.11 from 3.13. 

But how do you passed the Thermal Model Calibration now? Did you tuned the PID into stable or just use those setting you mentioned above? 

I'm not skilled on tribble with all settings. I have been using basic genetic setting ever since I first got 3D printer (MK3 - not S or S+). 

Posted : 18/09/2023 9:24 pm
Eminent Member
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

Hmm, did you load the Revo Six + MK3 specific hex file for your printer, the zip file contains 4 builds specific to Revo Six; variants are for MK3 vs MK3S+ and 60w vs 40W heaters . . .

It contains the following files . . .






Posted : 19/09/2023 2:17 am
Estimable Member

Keep in mind, even when you flash the revo-specific firmware, it may still not work with the Thermal Model Cal. This is due to previous EEPROM values being stored that are too different than what needs to be used, so it errors out before it can even begin the test.

To fix this, you need to perform a factory reset, and clear All Data.

  • Press and hold the control knob and reset button
  • Release the reset button, wait for the loud beep, then release the control knob
  • Scroll down ALL the way to "All Data" and select it

This will result in resetting everything (including sheet profiles/Live-Z settings). If you really want to avoid this and have the ability to terminal into the printer, you can follow steps 5-16 of these directions. This will essentially bypass the checks and manually perform the new TM cal.


I will say, finally being able to make the switch to the 3.13 firmware and use the MMU with the 3.0.x firmware... it's a completely different beast. Still working through all the usual kinks -- I'm still using a (heavily modified) MMU2S. The new loading routine of the 3.0.x firmware definitely improves things by an order of magnitude (seriously... it's crazy watching it now compared to the normal eternal grinding routine from before).

As far as the revo side is concerned the only thing I'm still working through is a few failed loads due to tip formation still. I used capricorn XS for the hotend PTFE insert, which I thought would be close enough for the inner diameter, but I went ahead and picked up some replacement MK3S+/MMU specific PTFE inserts from the prusa shop due to apparently having an even tighter tolerance at 1.85mm. We'll see how that goes.

Actual print quality is fan-flipping-tastic though. Exactly what my unit needed after basically completely ruining the stock hotend from too much burnt buildup/damaged thermistor wiring.

Posted : 21/09/2023 5:10 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

Thank you for taking your time to explain everything... I spent few days trying to decide what to do next - should I wait till I get my MK4 upgrade kit and then get a MMU3 upgrade for MK4 or wait for E3D people to give data report to Prusa (per recent blog: Meanwhile, we were waiting for E3D to deliver us their official data. E3D needed to check various batches of their Revo extruders to find the edge values, so we could see what is the range for various parameters. Once we obtained these values, we could finally make the last step: compiling everything into the firmware file.)

Since I'm not excellent on complicate settings, I don't really want to mess it up. 

Posted : 23/09/2023 7:05 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

That statement about waiting for E3D data was in reference to the 3.12.x firmware when they initially implemented the Thermal Model. They have that data now, and that's why there's specific builds for revo starting with the 3.13.x firmwares (see the write-up about this in the 3.13.0 release notes).

That's the whole point of all this -- the new Revo-specific firmware does work now. The process of getting it working requires the reset of the EEPROM values though, which is why it's required to either do the full factory reset, or go through the steps to bypass the internal checks to perform the TM calibration.

Posted : 25/09/2023 4:56 am
Tori Berger
Active Member
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six


I installed the Revo six in a final attempt to try *anything* to make the MMU2s work.  I removed the MMU2 entirely and my Revo-six hotend printer has been working flawlessly on 3.11 and I haven't felt the need to update it.  Now that my MMU3 upgrade is on its way (well, three weeks from three weeks from three weeks from now it will be) and while printing the plastic parts for the MMU3  I figured I'd look around to see if there was anything else I needed to do to get my printer ready and now I see this.    So thank you, both of you, for the heads-up, you saved me from future frustration.


Posted : 25/09/2023 7:54 am
carlmmii and Mykal451 liked
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

Look like it's my project this weekend. I hope I'm doing it right. 😥 

Posted : 28/09/2023 5:06 pm
Active Member
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six


Posted by: @mykal451

Hmm, did you load the Revo Six + MK3 specific hex file for your printer, the zip file contains 4 builds specific to Revo Six; variants are for MK3 vs MK3S+ and 60w vs 40W heaters . . .

It contains the following files . . .








where can I find the ?


Posted : 01/10/2023 11:49 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:


Posted by: @kartoffelopa


Posted by: @mykal451

Hmm, did you load the Revo Six + MK3 specific hex file for your printer, the zip file contains 4 builds specific to Revo Six; variants are for MK3 vs MK3S+ and 60w vs 40W heaters . . .

It contains the following files . . .








where can I find the ?

(Edited to add) It can be found when you click Software/Download and then in MK3S+ or MMU3 click "See full release log" that's where you'll find it.

Posted : 01/10/2023 4:49 pm
Dirk C and Mykal451 liked
Active Member
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six


Posted by: @jmh714-2


Posted by: @kartoffelopa


Posted by: @mykal451

Hmm, did you load the Revo Six + MK3 specific hex file for your printer, the zip file contains 4 builds specific to Revo Six; variants are for MK3 vs MK3S+ and 60w vs 40W heaters . . .

It contains the following files . . .








where can I find the ?

(Edited to add) It can be found when you click Software/Download and then in MK3S+ or MMU3 click "See full release log" that's where you'll find it.

Thank you... The hexes are imported into the slicer? I updated to 3.13.1 today, loaded factory settings, but got a stop at 51 degrees. It's a shame that this doesn't work yet.

Posted : 01/10/2023 7:35 pm
Active Member
RE: MMU3 und E3D Revo Six

ohhh Sorry, I translated something here and misunderstood it. I had read the post with the slicer profiles and then the .hex were posted. That's why I thought they were for the slicer, even though I've never heard of a hex import.So.... For the Revo Six I have to take the appropriate FW (temperature and printer) from the zip, the standard FW on Prusa on the page is incompatible? Unfortunately, it doesn't say anywhere on Prusa that the firmware offered there doesn't support Revo Six and you have to download the appropriate one from Github. it stands. nowhere that there is an independent file since 3.13.0. This will then solve my problem.

Posted : 01/10/2023 8:37 pm
JMH714 liked
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

Oh, okay. Hex file is a firmware that you flash onto the printer, not for slicer. 

I plan to hook up my MMU3 onto my MK3S+ today, so cross fingers. 

Posted : 01/10/2023 9:35 pm
Eminent Member
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

@JMH714 so yes, Slicer has the firmware flashing tool built in, which is just a convenience, nothing to do with slicing models. The hex files are for the printer and the MMU. But read the post by @carlmmii above (9/21/2023) where he mentions  the factory reset, load the new hex file, run the pid tuning in the LCD menu, etc.

g'luck - mykal

Posted : 02/10/2023 2:15 am
JMH714 liked
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

🤣 When you mentioned "factory reset" I was "oh, f---, I forgot to run factory reset before I flash a Revo specific hex file!" 🤣 Look like I'm going to do that tomorrow. 

Posted : 02/10/2023 2:50 am
Reputable Member
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

I spent the weekend tuning the MMU3 with REVO. Here is what I discovered:

  1. My REVO should have the ceramic cartridge or the temperature sensor faulty, otherwise the FW 3.13.2 REVO has a bug.
    May be you can also suffers the same issue, but since I am starting getting always a temperature alarm at around 60° and then it stops, may be something is wrong.
    I discovered this by measuring the real temperature of the nozzle, and it comes out that is different than the value displayed on the LCD.
    I used an hi sensitivity temperature probe sensor inserted in the nozzle (instead of the filament) and the read temperature is at least minimum 5° less than the value on the LCD (e.g. in this image it is 224° while on LCD is 230°)
  2. Using the PrusaSlicer 2.7.0 (alpha1) profile MMU3 does not work well to create good filament tips, even if they state it should.
  3. I realized why I got bad tip shapes: the reason is that the values used to shape the tips are designed for the E3D V6 nozzles that are different in shapes and measures from the REVO 6, so all the values in PrusaSlicer need to be changed accordingly if you use a REVO 6 😉 

    Here is the new values I used calculated from the comparative drawings. To start I changed only the filament parking position as in the picture below.

  4. Surprisingly just changing this value, PrusaSlicer 2.7.0 (alpha1) created always almost perfect tips in the tests, so I did not changed the other values as I would have. 😉 
  5. I should say that this good result may be due also to the fact the filament temperature is lower than the real.
    For sure low filament temperature helps to have a better tip.
    This filaments were created in PLA with 230° on the LCD (but the real temp on a working REVO would be probably really 220-223°)

  6. PID calibration and Thermal Model: I decided to redo the REVO calibration because I started to get THERMAL RUNAWAY.
    I run the PID calibration (it took around 20 minutes, even if it seems doing almost nothing).
    But then with the MMU3 I was not able to run the Thermal Model calibration. I just got a beep and "Print aborted" message.

    The secret receipt was to DISABLE THE MMU from the setting panel, perform the calibration, and then re-enable the MMU3.

  7. MMU3 secret mode : it DOES NOT EXIST ANY MORE on the new FIRMWARE

  8. I need to increase a little the filament length from the MMU3 to the extruder gears. In the past on the MMU2 I used the secret mode to tune the filament length, but now it is not possible any more. After contacting PRUSA they told me to use the new firmware register and issue the new GCODE command M708.
    So issuing the command M708 A0x22 X350 it will set the length of the filament (equal to the PTFE tube)
    If you need more filament to better engage the gears, just issue
    M708 A0x22 X360

    that is 36cm instead of the standard 35. However it is not so easy.

    - The command should be sent in serial mode, by connecting the MK3S to a PC through the serial USB.
    - Pronterface could not be used since it the command is case sensitive and Pronterface converts all in uppercase.
    - I used Linux and Putty to connect to the MK3S.
    - The new MK3S FW handles the new MMU3 handshake, so when you connect to the MK3S, you are overflowed by tons of serial events messages that make really difficult to issue any command.
    To make the story short and avoid further details, at the end I was able to set the new filament length.

  9. When there is a problem with the MMU, not always the sensors are displayed on the LCD to help you to diagnose the issue.
  10. I am now fine tuning the IR sensor position that misaligned after I dismounted the extruder gears to set the filament, but now overall it seems to go.

Happy printing.

Posted : 05/11/2023 6:33 pm
Mezzauk, Onno, halfabee and 4 people liked
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

Wow, that is very informative. I think I'm going to do the #3, I'm aware of this #5. 

Last weekend, I ran two tests print boat with two colors - first one failed half way due to filament spool jammed. And then successfully second print, but noticeable small layer shift. I think that is when I moved the enclosures on wheel (two enclosures stacked up on wheel), but not sure. I ran it with PLA and I don't think I have lower the nozzle temp because I just wanted to see if the filament changing working correctly. 

I haven't run any multi-color since last weekend as I'm focusing on upgrade my MK3S+ to MK4 and busy with work. Once I'm done with MK4, I will be focusing on MMU3 with PETG filament.


Posted : 05/11/2023 8:44 pm
Reputable Member
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

@JMH714 keep in mind that after the MK3S to MK3.x upgrade, if you have upgraded also the motherboard,  you will not be able to use the MMU3 until PRUSA will release the required electronic. They have not yet released the small daughter board for MMU3 to use with MK4 board.

I forgot to mention that during my tests, a couple of time, the filament jammed just because the MK3S FW did not release the extruder motor before pushing the filament. So when the filament was pushed by the MMU3 the Extruder motor was still electrically engaged and blocked, and so also the gear was completely blocked and could not be rotated by the filament. 😑 

You will find attached the Reference drawing I created to figure what were the correct REVO value to use in PrusaSlicer.



Posted : 05/11/2023 11:44 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 and E3D Revo Six

I also forgot to mention, I have two MK3S+ - one is currently upgrading to MK4 and other one is hooked up with MMU3 😉 😀 . I wasn't planning to install MMU3 on MK4 till much later. 

Posted : 06/11/2023 1:18 am
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