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MMU3_3.0.0+814 suggestion  

Andy Forsberg
New Member
MMU3_3.0.0+814 suggestion

I installed the new MMU & MK3S+ firmware on my MK3S+ and MMU2s. In general- great improvement, thanks for making this available! Loading / unloading moves are more confident, and problems are much easier to diagnose and fix.


  • Add additional option other than 'retry' when a MMU failure is detected- a 'park selector' option would be very helpful - many failures I've seen require fixing the end of the filament, or repositioning filament in idler- which is quite difficult when selector is parked in front of the filement in question. So I have been hitting 'retry' then madly trying to effect the fix when the selector is running the cycle. 


Posted : 29/07/2023 2:10 pm
Robin and DCS21 liked
Eminent Member
Posted by: @andy-forsberg

I installed the new MMU & MK3S+ firmware on my MK3S+ and MMU2s. In general- great improvement, thanks for making this available! Loading / unloading moves are more confident, and problems are much easier to diagnose and fix.


  • Add additional option other than 'retry' when a MMU failure is detected- a 'park selector' option would be very helpful - many failures I've seen require fixing the end of the filament, or repositioning filament in idler- which is quite difficult when selector is parked in front of the filement in question. So I have been hitting 'retry' then madly trying to effect the fix when the selector is running the cycle. 


Also a "stop" button, to stop the whole print would be nice. Right now only way to stop is to reset the printer... But I guess we should open a feature request on github, but I am sure there is one already...

This post was modified 2 years ago by DCS21
Posted : 30/07/2023 9:42 am
Noble Member
RE: MMU3_3.0.0+814 suggestion


Posted by: @andy-forsberg

I installed the new MMU & MK3S+ firmware on my MK3S+ and MMU2s. In general- great improvement, thanks for making this available! Loading / unloading moves are more confident, and problems are much easier to diagnose and fix.


Good to know. Thanks! Wrong sub forum though...

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Posted : 30/07/2023 12:20 pm