MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update
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MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update  

Eminent Member
MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

I re sliced a MMU model after updating to the latest Prusaslicer 2.7 yesterday and now find the Printer is beeping on every filament change (it didn't do this on the old 2.6.1 gcode which I printed the day before).  I did not observe any issues with physical operation during the colour change and have since checked the filament sensors and they are good.  My sound was set to "once" and have now changed to silent (to keep the household happy) awaiting resolution.

Has any one else had the same problem ?

My config:-

Mk3S (not +) with MMU3 upgrade from MMU2

Firmware 3.13.2 (3.0.1) (latest)

REVO equipped

using Octoprint




Posted : 28/11/2023 10:11 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

Did a quick look at the 2 version of gcodes. The 2.6.1 version appears to lift the nozzle just before the T command whereas the 2.7 doesn't.  Is there some firmware nozzle height check as part of the T command that might be issuing a warning beep ?

disclaimer: I am no expert of gcode


Posted : 28/11/2023 11:45 pm
Reputable Member

It looks like Prusa Slicer 2.7 could be using M600 for the color change.   

This is from gcode that I sliced with 2.7:    ; color_change_gcode = M600

gcode sliced with 2.6 doesn't have this in it.

Posted : 29/11/2023 12:31 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

The G600 code was in both of my 2.6.1 and 2.7 versions as a single entry but I thought as it was behind a semicolon it was ignored (ie a compiler comment).

the only reference both of mine was towards the end of the gcode with a stack of other comments from the compilation. The variable name "color_change _gcode" does not appear anywhere else either in the gcodes.

; color_change_gcode = M600\nG1 E0.4 F1500 ; prime after color change

Looking at the knowledge base it seems to be associated with filament sensors  in a non MMU mode colour change, but I could be wrong....

Posted : 29/11/2023 1:21 am
Reputable Member
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

I submitted a bug report for this issue and I am looking forward to a response.

Here is the link to the bug report:

Posted : 29/11/2023 1:56 am
Sam Bald
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

I'm experiencing the exact same thing and it's becoming very annoying very quickly. Otherwise the MMU3 has been fantastic, but unless I change my sound settings to mute (and potentially miss important warnings), I have this incessant beeping. Thanks for submitting the bug report, hopefully it gets some traction soon

Posted : 09/12/2023 6:55 am
Active Member
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

Hi all

Just installed my mmu3 tonight and found this thread after my wife threatened to kill me over the noise. 

Was a fix found please, other than silencing all the alarms? I don't want to come home tomorrow to find my printer thrown out the house into the middle of the street. 😫 

Many thanks


Posted : 03/01/2024 11:32 pm
Noble Member
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

Known issue fix is being worked o


Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 04/01/2024 2:34 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

On the off chance it was fixed in the 3.13.3 release I have just tried turning my beeps on again and it is still beeping on every tool (filament) change - I will be turning it off again and wait for the solution. Issue 4551 was moved to issue 4556 which if I read correctly is not implemented until 3.14

My configuration:

Prusaslicer 2.7.2, Mk3S (FW3.13.3), MMU3(3.02), REVO, Octoprint


Posted : 06/03/2024 10:04 pm
Noble Member
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update


Posted by: @bazzalight

On the off chance it was fixed in the 3.13.3 release I have just tried turning my beeps on again and it is still beeping on every tool (filament) change - I will be turning it off again and wait for the solution. Issue 4551 was moved to issue 4556 which if I read correctly is not implemented until 3.14

My configuration:

Prusaslicer 2.7.2, Mk3S (FW3.13.3), MMU3(3.02), REVO, Octoprint


Hmm i no longer have this issue, latest firmware for ps and mk3s+ and mmu would you mind doing a video

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 07/03/2024 8:30 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

I will endeavour to do a quick video on the next print (I have a 2 day print in progress in silent mode)

Posted : 07/03/2024 9:10 am
Noble Member
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update


Posted by: @bazzalight

I will endeavour to do a quick video on the next print (I have a 2 day print in progress in silent mode)

By the way you can change the sound setting while it prints.

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Posted : 07/03/2024 6:34 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

I didn't release that the Sound selection ended up in the TUNE menu after a job started (from the SETTINGS menu normally). Attached is a video of the tool change on the purge block with the beep (sound set on ONCE). Print was compiled in Slicer 2.7.2, loaded via Octoprint on Mk3S FW3.13.3REVO and MMU3 FW3.02.

Posted : 07/03/2024 9:41 pm
RE: MMU3 beeps on each colour change since Prusaslicer 2.70 update

It's been quite a few months since I last printed in multi color, I've always had my MMU2 running quite nicely and I'm still reluctant to change it up to MMU3 until I have sufficient time on my hands to do all the finetuning etc.

So this morning I had started a new multicolor print and I was shocked about the number of beeps the device all of a sudden produces (as was everyone else in the house), this is really really annoying.
Reading up on the issue, it appears that the cause and possible solution are already known since January of this year, but still not implemented in the latest stable firmware release (3.13.3)? If I understand correctly, there is the option to turn off all the sounds from the MK3s+, but that defeats the purpose of the beeps, the beeps are there for a reason, which is not to alert everyone in a radius of 100 meter every 2 minutes that a color change is happening. But I guess there is not much to be done but wait until a new firmware gets released which hopefully resolves the issue?

Posted : 03/06/2024 6:49 pm