What is the best way to Bypass the MMU when using flexibles
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What is the best way to Bypass the MMU when using flexibles  

Trusted Member
What is the best way to Bypass the MMU when using flexibles

What I have been doing is turning off the MMU on the printer.  Then using a Printer profile in the slicer that does not have the MMU.

The challenge is that everytime I try to change back to the MMU the feeding goes insane.  I spend hours trying to get it to work, then I succeed and it all works perfectly again until the next time I try and bypass the printer.

I wondered if there was an official way of doing this that perhaps I am missing and doing wrong?  What mechanisms have others used for this, and does the MMU reliably work again after reverting back?

Posted : 01/07/2024 9:57 am
RE: What is the best way to Bypass the MMU when using flexibles

I do the exact same thing when doing a single colour print (turn of MMU3 and bypass it), then use a non-MMU profile. Getting back to MMU3 works without problems and I don't have to calibrate / change anything else...

Posted : 02/07/2024 11:35 am
tre4b liked
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: What is the best way to Bypass the MMU when using flexibles


I wonder if it is because I was using flexible materials.  Part of the challenge is that getting a flexible to load is difficult.  I think maybe I have to turn off the Filament Sensor too so that the extruder no longer autoloads.  I may have been trying to set the filament sensor on too much of a knife edge to allow me to autoload the flexible and use the MMU.

Posted : 02/07/2024 12:45 pm
RE: What is the best way to Bypass the MMU when using flexibles

You did not write that you are using flexible material. For flexibles, just additionally turn of the filament sensor and loosen a bit the screws of the idler.

Posted : 02/07/2024 1:49 pm
tre4b liked