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MMU3 vs previous MMUx: Materials handling of TPU/Flex/etc?
I am currently running MK3S w/MMU2S. AFAIK upgrading to MMU3 is a no-brainer, but I am debating between the various MK3(s/+) -> MK3.X/4.0 upgrade kits and deciding whether or not to invest the extra cash for Nextruder. I've always had problems with TPU+MMU2, I never succeeded in enough reliability for prints with more than a few tool changes with active babysitting.
Does the MMU3 have notable improvement for working with Flex/TPU materials (more) reliably? If so, is that improvement only realized when using the Nextruder, or would it make no significant difference if I end up with an MK3.5 instead or 3.9/4?
Napsal : 24/02/2024 7:01 pm