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MMU3 upg filament load not quite enough  

Eminent Member
MMU3 upg filament load not quite enough

My MK4 (upg from 3s) prints perfectly in single mode and I have just completed the MMU2 -> MMU3 upg. The Printer still prints perfectly but ….. the filament load from the MMU3 seems to not feed quite enough filament for the extruder gears to grab it and feed into the hot end. The Filament sensors both work and identify the filament correctly. If I intervene and push a further 5-10 mm of filament into the extruder it purges correctly.  Been onto support but they dont know why. Have recalibrated the gears, checked spool tension (free feeding), tried shorter Bowden tube (no difference). The Extruder filament sensor correctly registers the filament load. Frustrating because with the MMU2 it was the selector unit that was problematic not the filament load - with the new one it seems to work much better but the filament load is stopping short - anyone had something similar? Any suggestions? 

Veröffentlicht : 27/05/2024 5:22 pm
Active Member
RE: MMU3 upg filament load not quite enough

Take a look at:

The Stamping distance part. This has solved my issue, I set it to 45 for all my filament, the gear now grab my filament in the nextruder. Based on the doc sounds like this is only used for cold shaping so retractation...


Veröffentlicht : 29/05/2024 3:11 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: MMU3 upg filament load not quite enough

Yes as I suspected...... I had not done the nextruder mod for the MMU3 upgrade.......must have just skipped that step 🙂 All working perfectly now and currently printing a test coloured sheep. 

Veröffentlicht : 31/05/2024 9:17 am