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Jammed Extruder nozzle with MMU2S  

Estimable Member
Jammed Extruder nozzle with MMU2S

So I was printing, and I stopped the print due to an adhesion problem.

Tried to restart, ended up with a MMU needs attention error.  

Well the problem is that the filament is stuck in the Extruder, and the temperature has cooled down to much for it to be released.

How do I avoid getting into this mess?

Reset the printer.
Unload filament (did not work)
Released the idler screw, removed the Bowden tube at the extractor and pulled filament out.
Checked extruder was clear
Tried retracting filament back to MMU (but broke it at the spool, so had to eject that lot and reload)

Napsal : 16/04/2023 5:31 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Jammed Extruder nozzle with MMU2S

That problem followed into the next problem.  A stuck bit of filament in the extruder.

On the very next filament change, a small piece of filament broke off in the extruder just after the gear.  

The MMU2S tried to load twice, and then cut the new filament tip.

After these two problems, I still managed to get the print done and complete !!!

Steps to clear

  1. Pause the printer.
  2. Remove the nozzle.
  3. Remove the idler tension bolt.
  4. Remove the idler bolt.
  5. Remove the idler 
  6. Take a thin metal rod and run it up from the removed nozzle to the idler gear.
    1. That should pop out the bit of filament.
  7. Reassembled.
    1. Inserted the idler.
    2. Inserted the idler bolt
    3. Tightened the idler tension
    4. Reinstalled the nozzle
  8. Loaded the filament to the nozzle.
  9. Restarted the print.



Napsal : 17/04/2023 12:53 am