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Thanks for ruining my MMU2S, Prusa  

Eminent Member
Thanks for ruining my MMU2S, Prusa

I'm beyond frustrated with this FW roll-out. My MMU2S is now un-usable and I have to resort to unplugging it and running my MK3s+ as a regular printer. 

Upgraded to FW verison 3.13 and got the horrible stepper sound of death. I tried to write that register value based on the Github issue and it didn't work. 

Downgraded to FW version 3.12.2 and it still doesn't work. 

Downgraded to FW version 3.12.1 and it still doesn't work. 

No idea what to keep trying and I shouldn't have to work this hard on a production release. 

Opublikowany : 22/09/2023 1:43 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Thanks for ruining my MMU2S, Prusa

I had to same issue. I had to downgrade both the printer and MMU2s to 3.12.2 and it works.  Good luck.

Opublikowany : 24/09/2023 3:52 pm
Active Member
RE: Thanks for ruining my MMU2S, Prusa

I needed to downgrade back to 106 to be able to hard reset was skipping one slot and found instrutions to go way back to previous version. Well, hard reset started working but MMU is fucked still :D. I will NEVER buy anything anymore from Prusa. Only problems for every time you need to update/upgrade something.

Opublikowany : 24/09/2023 5:00 pm
Active Member
RE: Thanks for ruining my MMU2S, Prusa

It is impossible to understand what hasn been messed up so badly that MMU is not anymore loading any other filament than the first one. None of other are moving even the axle of the gears is rotating. Cannot see properly how well the bearing is pressing the filament but my guess is that there is something wrong with that.

Opublikowany : 24/09/2023 5:33 pm
Bligh Studios
RE: Thanks for ruining my MMU2S, Prusa

Same boat for me.  I can no longer use my MMU since the update.  I can't roll back to the 1.6 MMU firmware because prusa slicer no longer even acknowledges that it is there.  (Always can not find boot loader device when trying to flash).  I have to disable the MMU to even be able to use it as a single now.  Kinda upset as well, I just got my order of 10 different color PLA's and was going to start a new project.  Guess I'm scratching that idea. 

Opublikowany : 24/09/2023 8:11 pm
Active Member
RE: Thanks for ruining my MMU2S, Prusa

It looks so that indexing of the bearing drum is one step of. None of the reset functions help with this issue. I have now the last FW before the "3" upgrade, but I am not sure if downgrading further will sove the issue. Anyone who can help here?

Opublikowany : 25/09/2023 7:52 am
Active Member
RE: Thanks for ruining my MMU2S, Prusa

Took a video about the behaviour...this is now version

3_9_3_3556 for printer and

1_0_6 for MMU

Someone from Prusa should now start giving answers, printer is now completely unusable because of this. What revision should I flash to fix this??

Opublikowany : 25/09/2023 3:08 pm
Active Member
RE: Thanks for ruining my MMU2S, Prusa

Apparently my video is not coming through... I am now having FIRMWARE 3.12.2 (1.0.6) but not even old SW helps with the situation. WTF was put to that 3.0 release that is screwed up the entire board this badly???!?!? PRUSA some answers now!!!

Opublikowany : 26/09/2023 1:19 pm