Multicolor logos on MMU2S with Prusaslicer 2.0: not able to position objects in Z direction
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Multicolor logos on MMU2S with Prusaslicer 2.0: not able to position objects in Z direction  

Reputable Member
Multicolor logos on MMU2S with Prusaslicer 2.0: not able to position objects in Z direction


I am trying to create a PRUSA logo like the test one, with all the letters of different colours, to be printed in automatic MMU mode (not manual filament change mode) .

I have all the separate letters in STL and the base.stl.

  1. I start to add the base on Prusaslicer and assign the extruder 1
  2. I add the first letter, and assign extruder 2. Prusaslicer align it with the bed.  I move it to the exact position on left.
  3. Since I don't want the letter aligned on the bed (because I want the base completely printed in fast and unique black fill, without any not useful mid-color change on the inside infill corresponding to the colour letters !! 🤐 )  I need is to put the letter just aligned over  the to top layer of the base. I want to do this by moving the letters in Z direction of 3 mm up.
  4. When I select the P letter and click on move, I can raise it just over the base, but as soon as I release the mouse, it drops again on the base.
    It seems like I can't move the object in Z direction.
  5. Even typing the exact height on the table on right of the screen at Z height, does not help, as soon as I press ENTER it reverts back to the original height from the base.

- Why I can't raise the object ?

- How I can manually move an added object over another ?



Publié : 15/06/2019 11:24 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Multicolor logos on MMU2S with Prusaslicer 2.0: not able to position objects in Z direction

i always do it a little differently, i separate the objects in Fusion360 and export it as a single STL.

then in Prusasilcer i right klick the object and select separate to parts, that way i can set the extruders as i like but it maintains the position as it was imported.

Publié : 16/06/2019 7:39 am
Noble Member
RE: Multicolor logos on MMU2S with Prusaslicer 2.0: not able to position objects in Z direction

If your STLs are ready for multi-material (have there position offset embedded in the file), then you have to import them as a single object with multiple parts. You can do this all at once:

Or you import your base object and do a right click on it to choose "Add part > Load...".

Publié : 16/06/2019 8:33 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Multicolor logos on MMU2S with Prusaslicer 2.0: not able to position objects in Z direction

Many thanks. I followed your process and it worked. 😊 

So, it seems that in order to create a multicolour  object printable with PrusaSlicer,  we need:

  1. Design it in CAD already fully assembled, with the all the colour parts positioned in their final position.
  2. Export each colour section separately from the CAD
  3. Import all together with a multi file selection in PrusaSlicer and confirm that are parts of the same object
  4. ..or import the first part, and the proceed with ADD PART.... with all the other.
  5. PrusaSlicer "automagically" moves them in the correct position.
  6. Assign the extruder to the parts (it's a pity that Prusaslicer does not display the parts with the filament colour, but it uses the extruder colour code.)
  7. Slice it.
  8. Print.

Indeed is a new way to create colour objects, but it is not complex. I never created colour objects before having a MMU.
I currently use ThinkerCAD to design objects. It supports also colour, so it is easy for me have a look of how it will appear.
I still trying to learn Fusion 360.

I started to test the MMU2s, and I want to invest some more time how really works, as example to test the transition colour table.
I do expect that the material of white filaments are different, so it may be required to purge much more material, as example, moving from a "black" filament to a "White" filament in order to obtain a perfect white.
I should learn well how to tune it.


Publié : 16/06/2019 10:23 am
Noble Member
RE: Multicolor logos on MMU2S with Prusaslicer 2.0: not able to position objects in Z direction
Posted by: Antimix

Assign the extruder to the parts (it's a pity that Prusaslicer does not display the parts with the filament colour, but it uses the extruder colour code.)

Yes, the preview uses the tool/extruder color. But you can adjust the color under "Printer Settings > Extruder X > Preview > Extruder Color". I like to change this to the filament color, so the preview is accurate. If you save this project you will have these color settings for future reference and adjustments.

Posted by: Antimix

I started to test the MMU2s, and I want to invest some more time how really works, as example to test the transition colour table.
I do expect that the material of white filaments are different, so it may be required to purge much more material, as example, moving from a "black" filament to a "White" filament in order to obtain a perfect white.
I should learn well how to tune it.

A good starting point for this purge settings is the table on page 24 of the handbook.

Publié : 16/06/2019 10:51 am
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