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MMU2S and i3S - brand new build from the scratch  

New Member
MMU2S and i3S - brand new build from the scratch

Hello and greetings, beloved in Prusa printers! 

I’ve just recieved my order and going to assemble my new toys. 
I don’t want to waste time on some rework - or I’d like to avoide possible mistakes in building both devices in one run... 

So my question to you all - experienced users, is: 

Is there anything what I should be aware of, or do you remember any steps which can be skipped in assembling i3S because will have to be performed as process of MMU2 mounting ? 

I really don’t want to play more than I really have to, with all these screws and cables 🙂

Any, useful notes will be really appreciated! 

Publié : 06/09/2020 3:01 pm
PlanetV3D a aimé
Famed Member
RE: MMU2S and i3S - brand new build from the scratch

I would strongly suggest first assembling the MK3S alone, without the MMU2S, and get it working and get familiar and comfortable with it.

Then, when you are confident in your new machine, continue by adding the MMU2S and climb its learning curve, which can be tricky.

Publié : 06/09/2020 5:43 pm
Lunarworks a aimé
Active Member
RE: MMU2S and i3S - brand new build from the scratch

I second that suggestion. It is very easy to convert Mk3S to MMU2S compatible extruder. Any time savings are not worth extra time and efforts wasted to debug both MK3S and MMU2S simultaneously. It takes a while to learn MK3S alone, and MMU just adds another layer of complexity on top of that

Prusa Bear MK3S + MMU2S. Hotend: TriangleLab Dragon Hotend + Rubber Sock.
TheZeroBeast MMU2S firmware

Publié : 06/09/2020 7:30 pm
Lunarworks a aimé
Famed Member
RE: MMU2S and i3S - brand new build from the scratch

Another strong suggestion, which many seem to omit, for both the printer itself and particularly for the MMU ...

Take time with some hand tools (file, drill bits, etc.) to carefully clean up the 3d printed parts, removing all burrs and strings and such.  Chase out all holes, and make sure what is supposed to fit inside of them does indeed fit properly.

RTFM completely, multiple times, before starting assembly.  Read all of the comments posted in the online version of TFM.

Publié : 06/09/2020 7:39 pm
Lunarworks a aimé
Estimable Member
RE: MMU2S and i3S - brand new build from the scratch

Hi, my 2 cents for the assembly of the printer : watch these videos. It is very well done and rather informative.

MK3s Stock, PS2.3, Fusion360, Debian, Windows 10.

Publié : 06/09/2020 8:14 pm
Lunarworks a aimé
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MMU2S and i3S - brand new build from the scratch

Hey, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks guys for all your feedback!

I’m not in a rush - still using my Ender 3 (also to build Ikea-based enclosure) so your notes are priceless 🙂
Hopefully, i3S will not be as hard to learn but I saw hundreds of posts on many forums, so roughly know what to expect.

Big thanks for your responses!

BTW: I saw also few „must-have” mods / parts updates. Do you think that there is something what really would be good to replace on the start? 
I’m not enthusiast of solving virtual issues - so just asking if there is something what maybe Josef should fix - and I can address it before facing problems..? (in terms of updated parts design for example). 

Publié : 07/09/2020 5:25 am
Active Member
RE: MMU2S and i3S - brand new build from the scratch
Posted by: @marek-wu

BTW: I saw also few „must-have” mods / parts updates. Do you think that there is something what really would be good to replace on the start? 
I’m not enthusiast of solving virtual issues - so just asking if there is something what maybe Josef should fix - and I can address it before facing problems..? (in terms of updated parts design for example). 

Some would say that you need to change some parts. I found that MMU2S works for me "as is". But during assembly I followed all comments/suggestions in the assembly guide religiously - it took me longer to assemble but MMU2S worked right from the very first print!

One thing to note - check that the PTFE tube in the extruder is 1.85 mm ID. Otherwise your tips will be big and won't go through the other tubes in the system


Prusa Bear MK3S + MMU2S. Hotend: TriangleLab Dragon Hotend + Rubber Sock.
TheZeroBeast MMU2S firmware

Publié : 07/09/2020 10:17 am
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