MMU2 stuck after unload with firmwares 3.9.0 + 1.0.6
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MMU2 stuck after unload with firmwares 3.9.0 + 1.0.6  

New Member
MMU2 stuck after unload with firmwares 3.9.0 + 1.0.6

After my Mk3S+MMU2S firmware update (3.8.1+1.06 -> 3.9.0+1.06), MMU sometimes behaves strange:
On filament unload, extruder stepper seems to stay enabled and MMU is not able to pull the filament out. When I press the MMU2 middle button to try to fix the issue, MMU2 steppers do not move. They do not even move after reset (the X button). They start working again after switching the printer off and on.
Tried to flash the firmware again, also tried MMU2 factory reset. The problem persisted.

I downgraded the printer firmware back to 3.8.1 (kept MMU 1.0.6 as it had already been there before). The problem did not occur again

Posted : 27/05/2020 5:01 pm
BOFH 1337 liked
BOFH 1337
New Member
RE: MMU2 stuck after unload with firmwares 3.9.0 + 1.0.6

I got the exactly same problem. Also all 5 LEDs start flashing randomly on a start of a print. I then have to power-cycle it to get it back in a working state. I will try downgrading and see if that works for me too. 

Posted : 28/05/2020 5:05 am
A Company that Makes Everything™
New Member
RE: MMU2 stuck after unload with firmwares 3.9.0 + 1.0.6

After the current firmware upgrade, when trying to print the first layer calibration, I just get a blob as referenced in this reddit thread.

I tried flashing both firmware's again. They complete successfully but I get the same behavior.

Something seems off in this firmware update...


Posted : 07/06/2020 11:08 pm