How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?
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How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?  

Active Member
How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

I got my MMU2 a few months ago and it is still in the box waiting for the latest "S" mod parts to arrive.
Has anyone seen a PRUSA drawing, video or photos of the suggested layout with their filament untangler installed?
That way I can prep a new setup before the parts get in.

Postato : 02/03/2019 7:54 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

Lots of views but no answers, someone must have a photo of the new setup?

Postato : 05/03/2019 3:07 pm
Trusted Member
Re: How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

Lots of views but no answers, someone must have a photo of the new setup?


Postato : 10/03/2019 8:09 am
Reputable Member
Re: How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

I'm not going to rustle up pictures, but this mod:

Shows what's going on (though the normal setup has the idler door and lever as one piece).
The sensor is mounted in the top of the tower. As the door opens slightly to let filament through, the lever activates the sensor. The original cable for the sensor is run up inside the tower, then out the back and to the sensor.

Postato : 12/03/2019 1:29 am
Trusted Member
Re: How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

Very nice! Should we be concerned that you've already had to modify the new "S" version to make it better? 😆

Postato : 12/03/2019 4:05 am
Reputable Member
Re: How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

Not at all.

I modify lots of parts to make them more suited to my needs. Even a very good design can often be improved with another set of eyes taking a look. That's the nice thing about open source designs.

Postato : 12/03/2019 7:01 am
Re: How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

Do you have any other pictures? I'm still not sure how it works, at all. Is there a microswitch in the chimney? Does it toggle the mk3S optical paddle switch?

I think it's the only way to really do filament switching... knowing when it got there.

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Postato : 10/04/2019 10:16 pm
Active Member
Re: How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

I don't have any pictures, but they are using an ir sensor that get triggered by the arm on the idler door.

Postato : 11/04/2019 3:20 pm
Trusted Member
Re: How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

If you're looking for the setuo with the filament "untangler" (a.k.a. Filament Buffer), check the MMU2s Printing Handbook on page 7.

If you want my personal and biased opinion on this: it may be a nice way to set up the MMU with minimal space and at low cost - but it's a PITA to fiddle the fialment through the buffer. The buffer at minifactory looks somewhat better, but if you can do your own setup (e.g. stacking the filament storage with the buffer above or below the printer), you'll probably have less hassle.
I'm likely not qualified for a final opinon, as I'm still struggling to get my MMU to run again after messing it up while looking for a filament loading problem which, in the end, turned out to be a loose screw on the extruder Bondetch gears 😳

Postato : 16/04/2019 7:31 pm
Noble Member
Re: How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

took me forever to find this last night. silly me it was in the printed manual

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Postato : 16/04/2019 8:25 pm
Active Member
Re: How about some drawings or photos of the MMU2S setup?

Here's mine out in the wild (upgraded from MMU2 to MMU2S). Not as neat and tidy as the manual but it does show you can pretty much place things as you wish, not just as the manual says.

As others have said, getting the filament fed through the buffer is a PITA - I got a long thin strip of wood and put it inside the appropriate buffer slice to ensure the filament came out the right side.

So far, I've noticed that the IR sensor was a pain to set up but seems (touch wood) OK now and that the purge block doesn't get big blobs building up like I used to get with my MMU2.

Bed levelling is awesomely fast too with the new firmware.

Postato : 17/04/2019 11:43 am