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Filament input feed blocks  

P. Larsen
Trusted Member
Filament input feed blocks

Before I tear the whole thing apart (again, again) I would like to hear ideas on solving a particular issue.  The 5 filament input-feeds in the back aren't allowing filament to enter the MMU through the initial tube - at least not all the time. If I do not use the PTFE tube into the MMU2S and just insert the filament it goes straight through, but with the tube it never gets to the point where the MMU can pull it - at least not all the time.  I've checked many many times that nothing is blocking the filament, but no luck so far - it's like it's not aligned.

With the filament carefully inserted (manually, then inserting the PTFE around it into the MMU) the "feed to nozzle" feature moves the filament in very small increments, and typically the MMU reverses (fast!) when it's just about 1/2 way through to the extruder. Not sure they're connected - I suspect there's something making it hard to pull the filament through (I've had load to nozzle go very fast in the past - something changed, not sure what). When I manually insert filament through the MMU with the unit off, I cannot feel anything making resistance pulling or pushing. In addition the code (version 1.0.6) will do odd things like reversing the load the moment the filament sensor in the MMU turns on (you see the ball go up and down very fast and the MMU goes back to square one to try again).

I know the MMU can pull the filament. With power, it will hold very tightly onto the filament. I can even see "tracks" on the filament that's been pulled by the MMU - it's not an alignment issue of the gears, but something definitely feels out of alignment.  And having struggled with this for way too many days/hours I think my last option is to take the MMU apart and look for issues. But if someone reading this has better suggestions I'm all ears.

Veröffentlicht : 31/05/2023 12:23 am