Changing the filament of the MMU2 while printing in monocolor
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Changing the filament of the MMU2 while printing in monocolor  

New Member
Changing the filament of the MMU2 while printing in monocolor

Hello, I've been having a problem for a few days, my MK3S printer is changing filaments during printing to finish with another color. Also, when I try with multifilament prints, in a random way, instead of using the cleaning tower, the print head rises up, then changes filaments and comes to deposit a huge extrusion on the cleaning tower. I did a hard reset MK3s and MMU2S, I reinstalled prusaslicer and changed SD card but nothing happened. The firmwares are 1.0.6 for the MMU2S and for the printer.


Napsal : 29/11/2020 8:04 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Changing the filament of the MMU2 while printing in monocolor

Do you mean the original filament ran out and the MMU finished the print with the next filament?

This is expected.

Or, does the MMU change filament unprompted even though there was some original filament left?

In this case check the MK3s filament sensor and maybe recalibrate.

Hth, Cheerio,

Napsal : 30/11/2020 2:25 am