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Recent issue

Using Octoprint for the MMU2s and Mk3s.

No problems until a few days ago.  Don't know if octoprint changed something, but when I pick a filament, and send, it starts, and then when the step is to load filament, the printer resets.

Never had this issue before.


If I pre load the filament to nozzle, do the same thing, no issues.

Posted : 27/10/2019 6:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Recent issue


In Octoprint, make sure to set the printer profile properly to be 5 nozzles, shared nozzle.  

Posted : 27/10/2019 10:33 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Recent issue

I've been having this same problem!  And it's gotten worse.  I had seen where the printer would just reset whenever I tried to print anything using OctoPrint, so I went back to using the SD card.  Sneakernet for the win!

Today though, I've got a simple one filament (Extruder 2) print job.  I loaded it to the SD card, as OctoPrint is down for the count.  It went through the bed check, loaded the correct filament, did the stripe and back at the front of the plate, and the brim.  as soon as the extruder got to the point where it would print the actual part, the servos stopped and the temperature goal went to 0 for the extruder and bed.  I've re-sliced the project paying extra care that I've got things set up.  This is not a lack of experience.  This printer has almost 60 days of use with very few failures.

The MK2.5s is working like a champ.  And for anyone who would suspect I'm using an MK2.5s profile for a MK3s, I am not.  Otherwise Filament 2 would not load after the bed check.

Posted : 06/11/2019 7:46 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Recent issue

I just derped.  the MK3s was running 3.8.0 and I see that 3.8.1 is available.  A quick update of firmware and I am happily printing from the SD card.  After that succeeds I will try an OctoPi based print.

Posted : 06/11/2019 8:11 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Recent issue

Well, it turns out I was too quick to declare a resolution.  This is strange and I really could use some help.

Mk3s with mmu2s, latest prusaslicer and latest firmware. I have spent all day trying to print so etching using only extruder 2.  If I use Octo print. Also up to date, the MMU tries to load F3.  If I use an SD card the correct filament loads, but soon into the print, the extruder stops moving and the temperature goals for the extruder and bed drop to 0.  This is repeatable and with any project I send to the printer.

To make things worse, there seems to be a warp in the bed of the mk2.5s.  So much frustration! I have weeks of backlog and only half a printer.

Posted : 09/11/2019 2:52 am