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PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out  

Reputable Member
PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out


few days ago Prusa released the new PrusaSlicer 2.2.0, with a lot of new marvellous features and improvements.

I am proud to announce that is now available the PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 with "Dribbling V.C01" inside,  where you can find all the advanced Dribbling capabilities into the new PrusSlicer 2.2.0 😀

You can find at

You can download the executables or compile yourself. At the moment only the Windows x64 version is pre-compiled. For Linux or OSX you will have to compile yourself.

Dribbling is able to perform a perfect tip shape on filaments, in order to improve the reliability of the MMU2S.

This new version has the capability of swapping filaments of different materials and temperatures, taking care of all, so that you can print mixed PLA/PETG models, or PLA/ABS models, and Dribbling take care of change the temperature several time during the filament swap phase to allow the colour change and flushing of mixed materials, without clogging the nozzle with wrong melting temperature for the filament inside.

Read all the features on the Github release page.

Happy printing.

Publié : 25/03/2020 10:50 pm
Corfam et Michael ont aimé
Pierre badel
Active Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out

thank you antimix !

some difficulties to compile this new version under linux but I will manage !

Publié : 27/03/2020 4:22 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out


Hi Pierre, are you creating :
- a Linux app image

- an Ubuntu package

- or you just compile based on your pc structure and present libraries ?



Publié : 28/03/2020 11:25 am
Pierre badel
Active Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out

just compile on my ubuntu 18-04 (previous version was ok, but the dependencies of the 2.2.0 have somewhat changed...)

Publié : 28/03/2020 1:58 pm
Active Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out

Hi antimix! Thank-you for the work you do forking in these QoL improvements for MMU users that Prusa fails to see the usefulness of for whatever reason... 👎 🤒 However, I have a few questions hopefully you could help me with. I just happened to notice that you posted the fork in to SkinnyDip for 2.1, but now I see you've did Dribbling for 2.2. In the past, I've had much more success with SkinnyDip over Dribbling, which was why I was looking for a 2.2 version of SkinnyDip; that's what led me to this Dribbling post.

Back to the questions: will there be a SkinnyDip 2.2 or have you put it aside in favor of Dribbling, was there possibly a merge that I missed at some point that just kept the Dribbling name over SkinnyDip (which is kind of what I'm hoping for if this is the situation), if you did adopt Dribbling over SkinnyDip what was the reasoning, and finally, if I must, how can I get similar or (which would be hard to believe because for the time being I --very-- rarely have a loading/unloading error regardless of material at this point with SkinnyDip) even better results?

Publié : 28/03/2020 2:01 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out


Hi dr_piazza00,

I ported the original Skinnydip  from the its initial version, to PrusaSlicer 2.0.0. Then Eric, the original author of Skinnydip, took the 2.0.0 sources and continued the developments of his own creature. At the same moment I decided to take another path, and I develop Dribbling with a slide different technique, and offering different features and results. So if you are interested in Skinnydip, please download the latest version from its author site or github, otherwise you can try Dribbling and use it, if you like the results. 😉 

Publié : 28/03/2020 3:57 pm
Pierre badel
Active Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out

compilation ok on ubuntu 19-10 (in a virtualbox)

From that point, making an appimage compatible with old systems (glibc) is a nightmare ! i give up 🙁

Publié : 01/04/2020 8:26 am
Active Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out

Thanks a lot antimix! Since I use your dribbling mod I have no serious issues printing with multi-materials 😀  The MMU2s was unusable for me befefore that.

Prusa should integrate your work into the PrusaSlicer. But fortunately you even release your updates very fast, so thanks for that as well.


Publié : 01/04/2020 6:04 pm
Pierre badel a aimé
Marc Borowczak
New Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out

Thanks Antimix. This is a nice build. However, I have a few questions on this latest version. When I select and check all filaments in the configuration, none are available or displayed in the filament selection. Also, were you able to build the INSTALL in VS19? If so, what procedure did you follow? Thanks in advance.

Publié : 04/04/2020 3:17 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out


Hi Marc,

regarding filament handler issue:
I think is a PrusaSlicer Bug. The dribbling engine I developed is around the wipe tower functionality logic, and not on other parts, so you have to raise an error ticket on the PrusaSlicer github site for filament combo selection or other PrusaSlicer issues.

Regarding Visual Studio:
yes, it is compiled with Visual Studio Community edition 2019.
You have to download it from Microsoft, obtain a free licence number, and install on your pc.
Then you have to setup your dev environment according on the folder structure on your pc.
Download the PrusaSlicer Dribbling sources, and follow all the PrusaSlicer site instruction on how to build external libraries, and compile all the modules.
Keep in mind that is very tricky, because it can find different version of tools already existing in your pc, that have a different syntax, that the one it uses, so you can get strange compilation errors. In other cases path are pointing to folder that do not contain the correct tool.
Then the only thing to do, is loose lots of hours debugging all .make files and path, until you find the duplicate tool in your pc that caused the error, or to discover what files he can't find and why.
Just switching from PrusaSlicer 2.1.0 sources (that was compiled with no issues on the pc) to 2.2.0 sources, took me 5 hours, because it was conflicting with my development environment (that was ok for 2.1.0) , and with no apparent reason refused to compile the new sources.
Once I found some wrong files, removed them, and fixed some path, then it worked.

Good luck.



Publié : 04/04/2020 7:41 pm
Active Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out


I am just learning how to successfully use the MMU2S, and with low temperature printing PLA filaments, I have no problems printing in multi-color, thanks to Dribbling V.C01.  However with some higher temperature PLA , I am having difficulty forming a good tip. I have problems with PLA filaments which print best at 210C, but when it comes to the dribbling action I would like it to happen at 185C, 25C lower, for good tip formation. In those cases, I noticed the dribbling action happens too soon, at around 195C, before the nozzle cools down to 185C. Is there a way for the dribbling action to wait for the temperature to reach the set temperature of 185C? Or, is there a way of controlling the timing of the dribble action?

Any suggestions or tips?  Also, I still don't know how exactly the MMU2S "Toolchange parameters" work in Filament Advanced Settings in Prusa Slicer, it is like black magic to me. My Toolchange Parameter settings, with Ramming set at 3 seconds, are :

By the way, I like very much PrusaSlicer's all other aspects but, after 6 months of experimenting with the MMU2S, I still cannot form good tips without your addition.

Thanks for the very useful addition to PrusaSlicer 2.2. 


Publié : 13/07/2020 12:51 am
Active Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out


I haven't used your Dibbling version just yet since my MMU2S is still on order, but I've read many good things in other reddit post and otherwise. Thanks for all your effort!

Can you please say if you are working with Prusa to get your Dribbling functionality added to the next official PrusaSlicer release or another future release? I looked in the github feature request / bug report list for PrusaSlicer ( ), but didn't find any mention of Dribbling. It would certainly be great for Prusa to integrate your work.


Publié : 13/07/2020 6:48 pm
Michael a aimé
New Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out

Thank you antimix! Since I use your Dribbling Version my MMU2S prints without any problems.

Before I installed all the recommended modifications but i had a lot of problems with strings building up in the selector. I tried to adjust the temperature,speeds, cooling and ramming but the tips looked almost the same (too fat with long strings). I thougt it was a material problem (i extrude my own filaments from a NatureWorks 4032D PLA and more other materials with different Color-Masterbatches on a conventional extruder) and tested other types of PLA, but the problem was still the same. The MMU2S printed not more then 10 filament changes and i nearly gave up because of this bad filament tips.


Today i tried your Dribbling version with standard settings, 3 dribbling moves, printing temp @ 205 and dribbling temp @ 190 °C. I removed the silicon sock (for faster cooling), did a PID tuning, and printed a test piece with 2 materials (PLA 4032D green and a Raise3D PLA red) with about 100 filamentchanges in 6 hours.

The print worked with no interventions because the tips were nearly perfect formed without a string and a diameter of about 1,85 mm. With your help I managed to get my own material to work with the MMU. In the future I try to combine more different materials (PLA,PETG,ABS,Flex,watersoluble material and others) and with your modification, I think, I can realize that.

I hope the Dribbling Mod gets integrated in the PrusaSlicer, it made my MMU2S so much more reliable!

Thank you 





Publié : 28/09/2020 4:18 pm
Pierre badel
Active Member
RE: PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 - with "Dribbling V.C01" inside is out

hi antimix

are you planning a dribbling version based on the new prusaslicer 2.3.0 ?


Publié : 19/01/2021 9:45 pm
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