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PRUSASLICER 2.0.0 CE (Community Edition)  

Reputable Member
PRUSASLICER 2.0.0 CE (Community Edition)


as discussed in several topic here, the need to have a different filament unload temperature is very important.

For this reason I implemented such functionality on the latest PRUSASLICER 2.0.0 and I called it PRUSASLICER 2.0.0CE that stands for Community Edition.

As you can see there is a new parameter for each filament.

Now the generated gcode, use the tool change temperature in the filament unload gcode section, so that it can optimized for a perfect shape, filament by filament. I generated the new gcode some minutes ago and all seems to work.

It will do the print test tomorrow morning. 😋 

If it will work as I hope, and PRUSA will like it, I can load it on github and PRUSA can do a merge with the official one.

This is the nice thing of the OpenSource. 😉 

Opublikowany : 06/07/2019 9:14 pm
Active Member
RE: PRUSASLICER 2.0.0 CE (Community Edition)

How did the testing go mate?


Opublikowany : 09/07/2019 1:29 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PRUSASLICER 2.0.0 CE (Community Edition)

I did not had the opportunity to test it.

At the moment I have some open issues with Prusa support regarding MMU hardware (e.g. probably a fault on the FINDA or in the board itself)

They sent me some replacing parts and we are testing them to understand what is the issue. I have suspects also on the MMU2 firmware.

In the meantime I am working on other software fronts.

I discovered another PrusaSlicer fork that does exactly what my CE version does, but adding several others useful parameters.
This Slicer version is called SkinnyDip.

If it works well as it seems (I read several positive feedback), I am ready to throw away my CE version and use the skinnydip tool instead.  I will test it as soon as my MMU2 hardware will work.

Opublikowany : 25/07/2019 7:05 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PRUSASLICER 2.0.0 CE (Community Edition) DRIBBLING

I am back.  As promised I tried Skinnydip, but unfortunately it did not gave me the hoped results. 😣 

So I was forced to go back and coding.

I took again the latest PrusaSlicer, moved to Visual Studio 2019,  I struggled to set up a development environment,  and then I dropped away all work I had done for my CE version, since I was either not satisfied. 😝 

This time I took a different approach, starting again from scratch. I worked following several ideas, to reach a perfect filament extraction, and with the new work, I got promising results.

It is incredible how doing "nothing" or insignificant things on the filament it can produce big changes on the results. Moreover, executing several time the same g-code often gives different results on the filament... 🤔  This means that there is a big amount of entropy in the melting process.

However at the moment, after dropping away a lot of code and rolling back and forth a lot of time, changing idea, I was able to obtain some nice results with PLA that you see here:

There is still some very thin string present, but as I told you before,  it may happen or not,  just reprinting the same g-code.
In my tests I was using my TERRIBLE yellow filament, that in addition to have a very low adherence on PEI, it is terrible stringy !
The magenta and black are more or less good normal filaments. The Blue is EVEN WORSE  than Yellow,  ZERO adherence on PEI, I need to put hairspray in order to print it.

I printed tents of samples, I labelled them in order to know what release produces what, and be able to compare the results.  Several ideas seemed clever, but produced terrible results, and I dropped away the code and rolled back.

AT the end, the big blob and monster are vanished for now, you can't believe what kind of filament head I got in many many tests. 
The picture you see above is the result after tuning some parameters, all hard coded.  Only few significant are now in the GUI.
I am sure that there is space of improvement on each filament, that has its own chemical parameters.
Here you see how appear now the new PusaSlicer CE:

I called this new version PrusaSlicer CE "Dribbling" due to the fact that I use the filament as a ball. You can enable or disable it in the filament parameter Advanced section, and use it as a normal PrusaSlicer.

VERY VERY IMPORTANT: as you see, the filaments are all almost of the same diameter. This is the direct result of replacing the PRUSA Heat-break with an original E3D Heat-break. It makes THE difference.  No more block/jams in the PTFE tubes.

I need to fix one issue that is still causing dropping of plastic on the wipe tower, and then I will start to print complex things to see what happens.





Opublikowany : 08/08/2019 11:32 pm
Estimable Member
RE: PRUSASLICER 2.0.0 CE (Community Edition)

Didn't Prusa switch to a different heat break because of the MMU2? Moreover the new MMU2 heatbreak is more prone to cloggs.

Opublikowany : 09/08/2019 7:35 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: PRUSASLICER 2.0.0 CE (Community Edition)

I believe Prusa changed to the new heatbreak, on the MMU1


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 09/08/2019 9:27 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PRUSASLICER 2.0.0 CE (Community Edition)
Posted by: Flaviu

Didn't Prusa switch to a different heat break because of the MMU2? Moreover the new MMU2 heatbreak is more prone to cloggs.

Yes it is, and for this reason I rolled back to the original E3D heat-break.

Now I am working of the software side, since a lot of the PRUSA functionalities are the direct result of the g-code  produced by PrusSlicer, and the filament shape after unload is one of these.
As soon as I have time, I will fix also the some firmware bugs is no new releases that fix them will come out in the meantime.


Opublikowany : 09/08/2019 12:22 pm