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MMU2S Issues
I have had my MMU2S for 6 months or so.
Now I am having issues with #1 not pulling the filament.
I have disassembled, reassembled & measured everything and as far as I can tell everything is in spec.
Am I missing something here?
Please help!
Best regards
Thanks in advance
Opublikowany : 04/07/2022 11:36 pm
RE: MMU2S Issues
How's the tip look? Is it too big to to be pulled back through the selector's PTFE tube? I had a similar issue and replaced the PTFE tube in the Hot End extruder. The one for a MMU2s is different, so make sure your using the right one. Good luck. JT
Opublikowany : 05/07/2022 3:31 pm
Wraith polubić
Topic starter
RE: MMU2S Issues
Thanks for your reply...
I went a head and ordered new parts for a rebuild of the MMU.
Opublikowany : 08/07/2022 8:17 pm