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MMU2s In Single Color Mode Really Wants Filament 1  

Trusted Member
MMU2s In Single Color Mode Really Wants Filament 1

Trying to work out what the issue may be, but I tried multiple times to do an MMU2 Single print using filament position 5. When doing so it loads the filament in the 5th position just fine, does the (7x7) bed levelling routing, but then it decides it doesn't want filament 5 and goes back to 1. That seems to be happen whether or not I have the filament sensor on the MK3 enabled or if I have spool run out turned off. I rechecked the FINDA and IR sensors, they work as they should. I finally just loaded filament to 1 and now it's working fine.

Any ideas on what to look for? Nothing seemed out of sorts in the MMU or the MK3s extruder.

Opublikowany : 14/04/2019 7:01 pm
Active Member
Re: MMU2s In Single Color Mode Really Wants Filament 1

Check your start g-code script (or the g-code itself). Is there a T1 gcode somewhere?

Opublikowany : 16/04/2019 2:04 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MMU2s In Single Color Mode Really Wants Filament 1

Hmm I see a Tx, Tz, and T0. I didn't see a T1 in the print where I had this problem. But now that I know to look for that, let me try slicing another single color model and printing that to see what it does.

Opublikowany : 16/04/2019 4:02 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MMU2s In Single Color Mode Really Wants Filament 1

Not sure what I did for the first print but I sliced another model (the MMU tube holder clips/combs) and picked filament 5 and it worked without issue. I don't see anything different in the gcode but something must be different. So yeah I think this may be solved for the moment. If it comes back up again I'll try to be more diligent on tracking what I'm doing.

Opublikowany : 16/04/2019 6:55 pm
Eminent Member
Re: MMU2s In Single Color Mode Really Wants Filament 1

Hmm I see a Tx, Tz, and T0. I didn't see a T1 in the print where I had this problem. But now that I know to look for that, let me try slicing another single color model and printing that to see what it does.

T0 is filament 1 (T runs from 0-4 for the MMU2, indicating filament 1-5 respectively). So it looks like when the gcode was generated it was set to filament 1.

Looks like others are having the same issue and simply restarting slic3r seems to fix it.

Opublikowany : 17/04/2019 11:01 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MMU2s In Single Color Mode Really Wants Filament 1

Aha that makes sense. Thanks for the follow up! Now I know what to look for at least so that's very helpful!

Opublikowany : 18/04/2019 12:01 am