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Looks like someone came up with a MMU2 clone  

Reputable Member
Looks like someone came up with a MMU2 clone

More options to choose from, yay open source?

No info so far on the multiplexer board from them.

Napsal : 22/04/2018 11:09 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Looks like someone came up with a MMU2 clone

That dude has been working on his Selectra for a long time now so I don't think it is a clone of the MMU2. Good to have options.

Napsal : 23/04/2018 10:26 am
Eminent Member
Re: Looks like someone came up with a MMU2 clone

Yeah look back at the earlier tweets from that account and you'll see that Josef just might be aware of this design. 😉
Who can say which inspired which?

That said, I actually like the following idea even more, as it keeps the motorized filament channel of the MMU 2.0 (which avoids possible jamming in a coupler) and uses a roller mounted on the guide to actuate the proper idler automatically without needing a third motor driving a giant cylinder.

Napsal : 23/04/2018 11:49 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
Re: Looks like someone came up with a MMU2 clone

That said, I actually like the following idea even more, as it keeps the motorized filament channel of the MMU 2.0 (which avoids possible jamming in a coupler) and uses a roller mounted on the guide to actuate the proper idler automatically without needing a third motor driving a giant cylinder.

I, too, was wondering why the MMU2 uses a separate motor to select which filament is engaged instead of just having a mechanism on the selector.

Then I realized that the Prusa design allows the MMU drive motor to completely disengage once the extruder motor grabs the filament and starts feeding. The MMU's drive motor doesn't need to keep in sync with the extruder, avoiding a certain amount of software complexity and any issues that might come up if the two motors aren't perfectly calibrated to each other.

Napsal : 24/04/2018 10:49 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Looks like someone came up with a MMU2 clone

Then I realized that the Prusa design allows the MMU drive motor to completely disengage once the extruder motor grabs the filament and starts feeding. The MMU's drive motor doesn't need to keep in sync with the extruder, avoiding a certain amount of software complexity and any issues that might come up if the two motors aren't perfectly calibrated to each other.

That's a good point, also now that I think of it, keeping the feed & selector functions independent would be required for however the filament trimming feature will work. (likely a blade on either side of the carriage that would cut off any protruding filament as it moves into position)

Napsal : 25/04/2018 5:44 am
Estimable Member
Re: Looks like someone came up with a MMU2 clone

Posted that back in May before the kickstarter

One note the purge block is very small on all the videos

Also the price is quite reasonable around $110 usd for the kit

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Napsal : 20/10/2018 9:48 pm