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Layer shift on Y axis after mmu2 upgrade  

David Wybourn
Eminent Member
Layer shift on Y axis after mmu2 upgrade

I had a perfectly working MK3 which I recently upgraded to the mmu2. This included a firmware update to 3.7.1.

After this upgrade I'm now getting weird layer shifts on the y axis at the beginning of every print. 

The upgrade had no changes on the y axis and I've checked the belts, both y and X are fine. 

Any idea what's causing this? 

Veröffentlicht : 05/07/2019 8:43 pm
Active Member
RE: Layer shift on Y axis after mmu2 upgrade

I have the same problem I think. Went from MK3 to MK3S + MMU2S and ever since my print quality has been terrible. 

The reading for the Y belt tension was very high but I can’t get it below 275. I tensioned it to the point that I worry about the tensioner breaking. The X belt reads 250 but it’s way looser.  

(Print in the photo is Prusa PETG but the layer shifting occurs with every filament I’ve tried so far)

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Veröffentlicht : 15/07/2019 9:51 am