Which Hardware for Octoprint, Camera, Fan Control, and Prusa Connect???
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Which Hardware for Octoprint, Camera, Fan Control, and Prusa Connect???  

Trusted Member
Which Hardware for Octoprint, Camera, Fan Control, and Prusa Connect???

Hey all,

New to the 3d printing world so appologies if this has been covered. 

Not sure if there is documentation yet on hardware for Prusa Connect?  I couldn't find any.  I would prefer not to purchase hardware twice if it can be avoided.     Initially looking for something (Pi?) that can:

  1. Run Octoprint and/or Prusa connect.
  2. Run a camera.
  3. Control fans in printer enclosure based on temperature.
  4. Any other cool features that you might recommend?

What hardware do you recommend:

  • Pi or something else?
  • Fans?
  • Camera?
  • Thermistors?


Respondido : 29/11/2021 2:43 am
Famed Member
RE: Which Hardware for Octoprint, Camera, Fan Control, and Prusa Connect???

I use Pi 3B+ or Pi 4for remote control/monitoring on my machines. My enclosures don't have fans. Feels counterintuitive to create draft with fans, but then again, I don't have any and no hands-on experience. And cameras, I have Raspi cams on all printers but hardly ever use them. Instead I use Wyze cams mounted to the y-axis extrusions. I found the picture quality to be vastly superior, they're super reliable, and plug and play install. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 30/11/2021 12:36 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:

Thanks. I had never heard of Wyze before.  Will keep that in mind.  Just dug out a spare Logitech C920 in my spare parts box which I forgot I had.  Will start with that.  Do you know if Pi 4 is what is being used for prusa connect?

Respondido : 30/11/2021 1:30 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Which Hardware for Octoprint, Camera, Fan Control, and Prusa Connect???

fuchsr,  which Wyse cam do you use,  and could you post a pic.  I've been using an old Logitech camera on my X axis.  Sometimes it's a moves too much. 

Respondido : 30/11/2021 5:13 pm
Famed Member
RE: Which Hardware for Octoprint, Camera, Fan Control, and Prusa Connect???

I have both Wyze Cam v2 and v3. Mounted with this mount, which fits both Mk3S and Mini. They're pricier than a Pi camera but I found them to be in a different league in terms of picture quality and reliability, plus I really like the Wyze app. For what it's worth, they also have a built-in smoke detector.


Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 30/11/2021 7:39 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Which Hardware for Octoprint, Camera, Fan Control, and Prusa Connect???

Thanks for the pic.  Not quit was I was imagining.  Mine is mounted to the x-axis carriage (found here) and moves up and down with z-motion because I was convinced I was going to print a lot of tall things, but I think I'm going to switch my mount to something similar to your version for smoother video.

Respondido : 30/11/2021 8:06 pm
Famed Member
RE: Which Hardware for Octoprint, Camera, Fan Control, and Prusa Connect???

I do have x-mounted pi cams on my printers like you do but frankly I prefer the "whole picture" view I'm getting from my Wyze cams. Plus, I couldn't figure out how to adjust the picam lens so that it stays focused for the whole length of the x-axis...

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 30/11/2021 8:15 pm