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Trying to compile… is there a good tutorial somewhere?  

Eminent Member
Trying to compile… is there a good tutorial somewhere?

New build, MK3S based. Bear frame, copper volcano. So, I have to modify heat profiles for the volcano, (going to email e3d about those) and my X and Z axes are different.

I’m using VSCode, but it feels like I’m having to just install plugins Willy-Nilly, and still having issues. (Python is installed but won’t work, code won’t compile, “oh you should try Mega super awesome shell… just pick the right one out of the 37 versions…)

On the one hand, I’m ambitious, and I want to understand all of it. On the other hand, I’m also able to see that I’m a bit over my head. 

I know Arduino IDE is now downgraded, but at this point, I feel like it may be an easier option. 

Is there a good walk-through somewhere?


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. -Yogi Berra

Postato : 10/03/2023 1:13 pm
Illustrious Member

A new build with mods is hard to support.  The best advice is to build stock and get things working well then slowly add mods as they are needed. 

My guess is that more than half the common mods are installed to fix problems caused by being in too much of a hurry and many of them are unnecessary or worse.


Postato : 10/03/2023 5:09 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

Hi Diem,

I'm happy with the choices I made for the build. And since you asked, some of it is just intended to be a learning exercise. (Learning to modify firmware, and playing with one modified piece of hardware.) I have another MK3S, that remains stock. It works well, and I'm very happy with it. I built this one as an intellectual exercise, and as a challenge. I have no plans to modify my other printer, simply because it has given me no problems. But I learn more from poking at the edges and experimenting, than I do from sitting back and watching something that only does what it's supposed to.

For the most part, I've figured out the details I need to modify, both for safety, and for calibration, as well as where they go in the code. If there are other performance-oriented adjustments that come into play, I'll figure that out as I go. But actually getting the firmware installed is my current challenge. I'm used to the IDE, but the time has clearly come for me to jump the fence and grow.

Since this is the "user mods" section of the forum, it seemed the most appropriate place to put my question: It is a modified printer. And while I fully appreciate, and respect, that you think mods are a bad idea in general... it's an odd thing to contribute to a mod forum. 


I've already done a search around existing threads that mention the Volcano, and how to modify the firmware, because that's what I'm trying to figure out. And I was surprised by the fact that the vast majority of the responses boiled down to "I don't see why you'd want to do that." Those answers may be factually true. And the fact that they come from esteemed contributors certainly gives them weight. I don't intend for this to come off as rude, but I am frustrated by this sort of response. It's not helpful, and doesn't actually accomplish, or contribute anything.

So again, and with respect, I would be grateful if you have any insight you're willing to offer. I'm just trying to figure this out, move forward and learn something.





Questo post è stato modificato 2 years fa 2 tempo da JDubs

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. -Yogi Berra

Postato : 10/03/2023 6:25 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Trying to compile… is there a good tutorial somewhere?

Try asking on the Bear discord.  They helped me get the firmware for my Bear with 100mm extended Z to compile.  I wish I could remember enough of the process to be able to help you, but it sounds like you are trying to use different software than I did anyway.
Postato : 10/03/2023 8:21 pm
Illustrious Member

If you had mentioned the second machine my answer would have been different.  You have a baseline to compare with and the means to check whether performance is improved, or not.

We see too many people rush into mods because they didn't get a perfect Benchy on day one...  The basic advice to get it working well before modding remains, but it seems you have done that in the form of a previous machine.

Yes e3d are the peoople to ask about their kit.

But Python issues?  Which operating system are you running?  Linux platforms tend to have better development systems, I have found Raspberry Pi with Thonny to be surprisingly useful.


Postato : 11/03/2023 11:50 am