random layer shifts / horizontal lines on my prints - only occurs from time to time
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random layer shifts / horizontal lines on my prints - only occurs from time to time  

New Member
random layer shifts / horizontal lines on my prints - only occurs from time to time

Hello all,

I have 4 MK3S+ with MMU2S that I use to print the same parts all day (most of them are cylinders). 
The latest firmware have been installed on those: 3.13.2 for the mk3s+ and 3.0.1 for the MMU2s.
I use prusascliver 2.7.1 to slice the models. 
The prints are connected to a Raspberry pi compute module 4 and a multi-instance of octoprint 1.9.3.

The parts are all PLA.

I can print flawlessly for days and sometimes, like yesterday, I get very strange horizontal lines on my prints as you can see in the pictures. 
This time it created lines across 3 printers. Which IMO confirms it's not a Z-axis or nozzle issue. 

I've looked at the forum for clues but nothing fits my case. 

I can give you more details if you need some.

This is very frustrating because each time i run a print I fear this issue, which isn't caused by bad design or slicing on my part...

Can you help please? 🙏 

Napsal : 29/12/2023 10:36 am
Franklin Knight
RE: random layer shifts / horizontal lines on my prints - only occurs from time to time

Bumping this thread because I too would like an answer.  I've had a similar issue that looks just like that happen to me a few times.  At first I thought it was due to some test settings I was using to maximize flow, but it happened a couple more times after I returned to more or less default print settings in an effort to troubleshoot it.  Then it just kind of stopped happening.  As far as I'm aware, I haven't made any changes to the machine and I've since dialed in my high-flow settings for my CHT nozzle.  Point being, I can't seem to link anything I've done to the occurrence of the issue.

Napsal : 16/01/2024 5:42 pm
RE: random layer shifts / horizontal lines on my prints - only occurs from time to time

Also adding my experience here. I updated my MK3S+/MMU2S to the 3.13.2 firmware in November. Every print longer than ~3 hours experienced major layer shifts that ruined the parts. I cleaned and lubricated the X and Y axis rods and re-tensioned the belts using the Prusa tension app. I tried another four prints or so after this and still experienced the same layer shifting issues on every print. I downgraded back to the 3.12.2 firmware and have not experienced another layer shift since (approximately 200 parts printed since).

This is definitely an issue with the 3.13.2 firmware.

Napsal : 29/01/2024 1:20 am
Julien PYTEL
RE: random layer shifts / horizontal lines on my prints - only occurs from time to time

in version 3.13.3 they fixed " Ghost layer shifts". Short summary: In firmware version 3.13.2, the XY axis currents were incorrectly configured and they were not switched to running currents after homing. This is now fixed. I currently have the same problem of horizontal line mid print. I will try to update the firmware. Hope it will fix

Napsal : 22/05/2024 2:40 pm