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Phaetus Rapido Help  

Phaetus Rapido Help

I've recently purchased and installed the Phaetus Rapido UHF head assembly for my Mk3s+. I booted up the printer and the thermistor temp is reading at a constant 158-160° even at first boot up or trying to PID tune. Is this a firmware issue? I'm in the dark when it comes to the coding process and don't really know where to start. If it is a suspected firmware problem how and where can I start to figure this out?

Thanks in advance.

Opublikowany : 14/06/2023 9:04 pm
Noble Member
RE: Phaetus Rapido Help

unless you got a fulty themrmistor it is a software issue what id recomend is install the originail prusa thermistor as that would be easier

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 15/06/2023 6:07 am
Noble Member

I might be mistaken but I think the regular Rapido (HF and UHF versions alike) is using the same type of thermistor as the original Prusa V6 hotend setup. That is as long as CaptainxSlim did not buy the "Rapido Plus" version. That one differes from the regular Rapido only in using a different thermistor which would be certainly incombatible with stock settings. 

Using an original Prusa thermistor spare part is not possible with a Rapido hotend as the heating cartridge and thermistor are integrated into one package.  

If you are using a thermistor other than one that is compatible with the Prusa stock settings, I fear you have to modify the firmware source code and compile the firmware yourself.
Here is a thread on that topic:

This post was modified 2 years temu by Thejiral

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Opublikowany : 15/06/2023 6:33 am
Noble Member

Yes you may need to modify the code

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 15/06/2023 7:02 am