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Octoprint + i3 MK3 for dummies?  

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Active Member
RE: Octoprint + i3 MK3 for dummies?

OK, well that was an odd few hours. I *think* I've worked out what was happening... maybe. Updated my routers firmware and it *seems* the issue cleared itself after I restarted everything.

Had to restart the Pi twice to clear the dross out. Anywho, before I did the firmware thing, at one point my router was telling me the pi had 123 at the end of the ip address, and the pi said, nope, my ip ends in 121. Oddly the one ending in 121 actually worked from my laptop over wifi via the router. That told me something funky was happening with the router. Restart and Flashed the router with new firmware and all is good.... so far. Can use the Bonjour address both in the browser and in the powershell to reach the pi.

Publié : 15/10/2020 9:42 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Octoprint + i3 MK3 for dummies?

OK.  I seem to have started on a thread.

I  got my Prusa printer, and printed a case for the PI with camera (which I designed).  I had a Pi2b+ laying around, so I used that.  Got some prototype hat boards on Amazon, and put a buck converter and some circuitry on the hat board.  I can now run the Pi from the 24V printer PS and the circuitry controls some LED lights that I can turn off and on with Octoprint.  Connected Octoprint to the Prusa using the USB, and everything works fine.  I don't use the WIFI on the Pi:  I have the Pi connected using the Ethernet port directly to a switch.  No need to use Wifi bandwidth.  Anyhow, the setup works great, and when the room is dark, I turn on the LED lights using Octoprint to see the printer in action.  I gave the Pi a static IP address so it's easy to find on the network.

It's nice to sent prints directly to Octoprint using Prusa Slicer.

Senior Life member of IEEE.

Publié : 15/10/2020 9:57 pm
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