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Octoprint: HowTo Delete uploaded files???  

Reputable Member
Octoprint: HowTo Delete uploaded files???

Is this correct location to post? 

Using latest Octoprint.. How do you delete all those little uploaded files?  Seems you need to click on each separately?? Can't believe there is not some type of bulk selection and delete. But maybe it needs to be done through a plugin. 

Really don't want to Putty into Pi, find files and delete.. but can do if necessary.. Would just like to manage via Octoprint, if possible.

I did a search, but nothing came up.. which seems weird to me, as this would be a pretty basic feature.



Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2022 2:21 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Octoprint: HowTo Delete uploaded files???

There is an Octoprint plugin called  "DeleteAfterPrint".  You can find and install it using Octoprint's plugin manager.  You can't select individual files to delete, but you can set it to delete all files after a specific number of days. I like it.

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2022 5:32 pm
Reputable Member
Themenstarter answered:

Installed.. Set the delete to delete everything after 1 day.. Reset octoprint .. nothing deleted.. not sure if it means 1 day from now or if the file is 1 day old.. I take it to mean files older than 1 day will be deleted.. If this is true.. It didn't work.. .. Incredible to believe it can be this difficult to delete uploaded files..

opps.. I take it back.. it deleted most.. left about 10 that were more than 1 day old.. not sure why.. but did the delete. 

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2022 7:13 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Octoprint: HowTo Delete uploaded files???

I've noticed that it sometimes only deletes the print jobs which completed and not stopped mid print. Even though it seems buggy, it does manage to keep the file count down.

Veröffentlicht : 19/06/2022 10:12 pm