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MK3S Mosquito integration  

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RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I am very happy with mine.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 18/04/2020 9:38 pm
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Has anyone ever try this clone?  

XIAOMINDIAN Red Crazy Hotend Cloned Mosquito Hot End

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 18/04/2020 9:45 pm
Active Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

My mk3s arrives in few days, ive been reading a lot about the bondtech and mosquito combo, is the mosquito hotend that good as compared to e3d v6 (stock), or should i just upgrade the extruder?

Veröffentlicht : 11/05/2020 9:36 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

The Mosquito is much better than the E3DV6 in my opinion. Much less fussy and one-hand nozzle changes. Do both - I did.

Veröffentlicht : 11/05/2020 9:38 pm
Chicago Keri gefällt das
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration
Posted by: @charles-h13

Has anyone ever try this clone?  

XIAOMINDIAN Red Crazy Hotend Cloned Mosquito Hot End

I have not used both this hotend and the Mosquito.  I do not see much of a difference.  Has anyone else used it?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 11/05/2020 10:14 pm
Active Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

is bontech extruder and mossquito clone worth it for printing pla and PETG?

Veröffentlicht : 11/05/2020 10:57 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I can't comment about clones - I don't buy them. I have been very satisfied with the original Bondtech extruder and Mosquito hotend for printing PETG, PLA, PC and ASA.

Veröffentlicht : 11/05/2020 11:00 pm
Active Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

did you mean stock extruder? What did it improve for you?

i am just trying to see what I would gain with $300 upgrade

Veröffentlicht : 11/05/2020 11:07 pm
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration


Yes, well worth the price of the clone.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 12/05/2020 12:08 am
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration


Yes, well worth the price of the clone.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 12/05/2020 12:09 am
Active Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration


Which clone you would suggest?

Veröffentlicht : 12/05/2020 12:10 am
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration


XIAOMINDIAN Red Crazy Hotend Cloned Mosquito Hot End

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 12/05/2020 12:17 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I'm still loving my Mosquito Magnum with the TC Nozzles (both 0.4 and 0.8).  I went to upgrade my MK3s/MMU2 firmware but see that Bunny Science / Guy has not updated his firmware fork for a year.  Any news?



Veröffentlicht : 27/02/2021 4:17 am
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Nope. I think he‘s still too busy working in healthcare and dealing with the covid situation. 
I moved to klipper in the meantime for 0.9 support and never looked back - it‘s a drastically different experience! 
Currently i am trying to get the MMU2 to work with klipper - not really a drawback because it never worked without issues on 3.8.1 either...

Fixed the bugged einsy bootloader in the process and now have rock solid 250000baud connection without dropouts even on days long prints.


Veröffentlicht : 27/02/2021 11:12 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

My setup is MM3s/MMU2s + Mosquito Magnum + High Temp Thermister with stock steppers.  Guy's Firmware had the ability to select all sorts of combination including my setup which was great including the correct distances for the MMU2s on the M0squito Magnum.  Looks like I'll hold on for a while as I don't see another option at this time.

Veröffentlicht : 27/02/2021 9:26 pm
Trusted Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration


Nonissue with anything mentioned except the mmu2. I'm on 0.9 steppers, also Mosquito with slice thermistor and of course BNBSX.
One of Klippers benefits is that any changes are made in one configfile - a simple restart of klipper activates the changes like in RRF.
Dealing with firmware is a pain in marlin (change, compile, flash, reboot).

Veröffentlicht : 28/02/2021 12:19 am
New Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration


I’d love to pick your brain about upgrades and nozzles changes etc. would you mind sending me a message?

Veröffentlicht : 13/04/2021 11:21 pm
Owens2303 gefällt das
Chicago Keri
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I did the Mosquito integration the simple way.  Just the standard E3D / Prusa thermistor and at first a 50w Slice heater and when that eventually failed, a standard 40w E3D heater.  It works great with standard settings for everything. I'm sure that some settings could be improved but it works great as-is.

The primary reason I went to the (standard) Mosquito was for the one-handed rapid nozzle changes, hot or cold, which are awesome!   As I tend to switch back and forth between projects with different nozzle sizes I hope that Prusa adopts something similar for future models. 

I tried two different Mosquito-adapted extruders, the one suggested on Slice's website, which is very good, and one I found on Thingiverse which I like better, "Prusa MK3S+ Mosquito Hotend Extruder 6.1" by KONSUL.


¡no entiendo Español!
Nein! Nicht Versteh!
Я немного говорю по-русски но не очень хорошо, и...
I'm not very good at English either! Maybe someday I'll find a language I'm good at?

Veröffentlicht : 15/12/2021 4:23 pm
Reputable Member

I got the Mosquito in a combo including also a Bondtech LGX extruder and the printed parts + screws for mounting this setup together in a Prusa MK3S/+.

The only additional parts I needed to print were the modified X carriage front/back (you can download the STL files or purchase them already printed  ). 

So far I'm very satisfied with the performance and no heat creep or clogs anymore with PLA or flex. I haven't tried really soft filament though, only TPU-95A. Probably TPE-80A and softer  would be more troublesome. 

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 3 years von Artur5
Veröffentlicht : 16/12/2021 3:05 pm
Capn Stretch
New Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Hi Community,Please assist me.

Using Arduino 1.8.5 on latest Mac OS Monterey, 

Additional Boards Manager URL:

Click on Tools Board : Rambo Installed & Selected

When Verifying basic firmware from Prusa's Github for Mk3S+ on Github FIRMWARE 3.11.0

upon a basic verification before completing the mod to install a Slice Engineering 450c Thermistor


Arduino: 1.8.5 (Mac OS X), Board: "RAMBo"

/Applications/ returned 139

Error compiling for board RAMBo.


Arduino: 1.8.5 (Mac OS X), Board: "RAMBo"

/Applications/ -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware /Applications/ -hardware /Users/Capnstretch/Library/Arduino15/packages -tools /Applications/ -tools /Applications/ -tools /Users/Capnstretch/Library/Arduino15/packages -built-in-libraries /Applications/ -libraries /Users/Capnstretch/Documents/Arduino/libraries -fqbn=rambo:avr:rambo -ide-version=10805 -build-path /var/folders/v9/rxcnxx0x4mg_sp1w98vw_5cm0000gn/T/arduino_build_278055 -warnings=none -build-cache /var/folders/v9/rxcnxx0x4mg_sp1w98vw_5cm0000gn/T/arduino_cache_812016 -prefs=build.warn_data_percentage=75 -verbose /Users/Capnstretch/Downloads/Prusa-Firmware-MK3/Firmware/Firmware.ino/Applications/ returned 139

Error compiling for board RAMBo.


Veröffentlicht : 13/04/2022 11:47 am
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