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MK3S Mosquito integration  

Strona 14 / 20
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I can hear the extruder click at this point.  The Magnums heat zone is closer to the Bondtech than the Std.  My best guess so far is that the new filament is driven into the heat zone (I can see on extracting the filament the tip has old filament bonded to it), and the skip is caused by the combination of the filament re-feed length  / speed as I don't see any filament actually extruded.  Just guessing, as I did not have this issue with the E3D or the Mosquito Std.  

Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 1:20 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

...any insight into what these lines in the "Change Filament Settings" section do as the values look.....odd?

#define FILAMENTCHANGE_EFEED_FINAL 3.3f // feedrate in mm/s for slow filament loading sequence used in filament change (M600) and filament load (M701) 
#define FILAMENTCHANGE_RFEED 7000 / 60
Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 1:24 am
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

actually you are looking for mmu.cpp :: can_load() which contains:

static bool can_load()
current_position[E_AXIS] += 60;
plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS],
current_position[E_AXIS], MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE, active_extruder);
current_position[E_AXIS] -= 52;
plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS],
current_position[E_AXIS], MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE, active_extruder);

uint_least8_t filament_detected_count = 0;
const float e_increment = 0.2;
const uint_least8_t steps = 6.0 / e_increment;
DEBUG_PUTS_P(PSTR("MMU can_load:"));
for(uint_least8_t i = 0; i < steps; ++i)
current_position[E_AXIS] -= e_increment;
plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS],
current_position[E_AXIS], MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE, active_extruder);
if (filament_detected_count > steps - 4)
DEBUG_PUTS_P(PSTR(" succeeded."));
return true;
DEBUG_PUTS_P(PSTR(" failed."));
return false;
Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 1:55 am
jmone polubić
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Thanks - Am I reading it right that:

current_position[E_AXIS] += 60; Feeds 60mm of filament?
current_position[E_AXIS] -= 52; UnFeeds 52mm of filament?
Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 2:00 am
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

yep it expects about 60+mm between bondtech and top of residual filament in  hotend..   feeds 60, retracts 50 , checks IR, retracts about .6 ( .2* (6-4)) mm and if IR is still valid returns true

Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 2:12 am
jmone polubić
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Thanks David, the main branch of the Prusa Firmware will not compile for me at this time, though the MK3_3.7.2 (latest release) will.  The contents of mmu.ccp seems to be having an overhaul on the Main Branch and the "static bool can_load()" does not exist in 3.7.2.  I did however find similar lines in the block of code.

//! @brief load more
//! Try to feed more filament from MMU if it is not detected by filament sensor.
//! Move filament back and forth to nozzle in order to detect jam.
//! If PTFE tube is jammed, this cause filament to be unloaded and no longer
//! detected by pulley IR sensor in next step.
static void load_more()
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MMU_IDLER_SENSOR_ATTEMPTS_NR; i++)
if (PIN_GET(IR_SENSOR_PIN) == 0) break;
DEBUG_PRINTF_P(PSTR("Additional load attempt nr. %d\n"), i);
manage_response(true, true, MMU_LOAD_MOVE);
current_position[E_AXIS] += 60;
plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE, active_extruder);
current_position[E_AXIS] -= 58;
plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[E_AXIS], MMU_LOAD_FEEDRATE, active_extruder);
Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 4:12 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I've reduced both values by 5mm, eg the "+=60 " to 55 and the "-= 58" to 53 then compiled, flashed and have now set it going on a 12hr print with 200+ Changes.  So far it is looking and sounding good, with no grinding, and the changes are working without a failure (but I tend to notice it gets less reliable as the print progresses).  Fingers crossed!


Thanks everyone for their help, esp David-a66 on finding the correct file and vars.

Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 5:05 am
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Great job finding the file and constants.

If the test goes well, I'll see about adding a define switch in my 0.9 LA15 branch to implement the needed Mosquito Magnum changes with a single define.



Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 6:39 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Went well for the last couple of hours without issue so I cancelled it and instead loaded this one up.  24hrs, PETG, 3 Colour, 364 filament changes.

Opublikowany : 20/07/2019 6:41 am
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

How did that test print come out?

I measured the heat zone distance difference between standard and magnum heatbreaks as 7 mm on my units. 

Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 7:23 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Came out OK (ish) - Posted some pics in the print section -

The reduction by 5mm completely stopped double pump load fails with no contamination. 🙂 🙂  I still had about 6 std MMU2s load fails overall during the print and they were all with my White PETG filament (ugly tips).  The white also did not print all that well (lots of stringing and blobs) but the Blue and Grey were great.  I'm thinking the White is just on it's way out but it could be a set of factors like:

- Mosquito may need it's own custom "Ramming Settings" as the ones there now are for the specially designed Prusa Heat Break

- The Magnum defiantly needs a reduction by at least 5mm (I'm thinking I'll wait till the new firmware as it looks like they are completely revamping it as we speak for the MMU2s and then try say 7 or 8mm).  

Unforutanly, my Transshipper in the US selected USPS so who knows when I'll get my replacement parts for the Std Mosquito.  That said, I could move forward my plans of installing the 50w heater, new thermister and have a crack at printing PEEK!!  I've also got a 350w PS comming that should arrive this week.  

Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 7:36 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

.... forgot to ask, I could not find the link to your branch - do you mind posting it?  Does your branch also have the upgraded Mosquito Thermister Tables?



Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 7:40 am
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I have added options for Slice Thermistor table and increased MMU2 load/unload motion (7mm) in my branch.

Be sure you are in the LA15-and-0.9-Degree-Stepper-Support branch!!!!

Download to your machine, set up the defines to match you situation and compile. Directions for compilation are in my readme.

Don't forget to edit config.h for primary language only.

There are only a couple defines that you need to comment/uncomment in configuration_Prusa.h

You basically are telling system whether you have 0.9 motors on each axis, a geared extruder (and its ratio), whether you have Slice Thermistor or Slice magnum via defines. My firmware should take care of the rest.

 The section you do your setups in is...

//====== Kuo Uncommented def(s) below specify 0.9 degree stepper motors on x, y, z, e axis
//Motors used should be 1 amp or lower current rating to avoid overheating TMC2130 drivers in Stealthchop.
//Kuo recommended 0.9 degree motors for X, Y, or direct drive E are Moons MS17HA2P4100 or OMC 17HM15-0904S
#define X_AXIS_MOTOR_09 //kuo exper X axis
#define Y_AXIS_MOTOR_09 //kuo exper Y axis
//#define Z_AXIS_MOTOR_09 //kuo exper Z axis
//#define E_AXIS_MOTOR_09 //kuo exper EXTRUDER

//====== Kuo Uncomment ONLY ONE or NONE of below for geared extruders
//Don't forget to also send gcode to set e-steps as detailed earlier
//Reversion back from geared extruder requires sending M92 E280 & M500 to printer
//#define SKELESTRUDER // Uncomment if you have a skelestruder. Applies the patches for load distances and Z height.
//#define BMG_EXTRUDER //Kuo Uncomment for BMG 3:1 extruder. This also sets BMG height for you.
//#define EXTRUDER_GEARRATIO_30 //Kuo Uncomment for extruder with gear ratio 3.0.
//#define EXTRUDER_GEARRATIO_3375 //Kuo Uncomment for extruder with gear ratio 3.375 like 54:16 BNBSX.
//#define EXTRUDER_GEARRATIO_35 //Kuo Uncomment for extruder with gear ratio 3.5 like 56:16 Bunny and Bear Short Ears or Skelestruder.

//====== Kuo Slice Support
//#define SLICETHERMISTOR //uncomment for Slice Thermistor
//#define SLICEMAGNUM //uncomment to increase MMU2S filament laod/unload distances for Slice Magnum

//====== Kuo End of defines one normally needs to change ======

Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 9:30 am
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I should mention that the Skelestruder define (submitted by VintagePC) is only in the MK3 variant, not the MK3S

Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 9:32 am
Reputable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Sounds great to have all the Mosquito Firmware in one place.  So Far my setup is a stock MK3s/MMU2s with Mosquito Std / Magnum / Thermister / Heater.  New 350w PSU this week.  I take it your fork is all good for this?  (I don't use the Skelestruder).  



PS - I'm away with work this week so will not get a chance to play for a few days.

Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 10:55 am
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Have you actually tried the Slice high-temp thermistor? If so, how do its readings at room temp agree with the bed thermistor or a room thermometer? For me, it read about 5C too low and I tweaked the table.

Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 12:31 pm
Ben's 3D Prints
Eminent Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I read somewhere that the Slice thermistor isn't very accurate at low temperatures. If that is so and you set an offset of 5°C along the whole table you might have made it more inaccurate than it was before. 

Then it would be more accurate to measure the accuracy between 200°C and 300°C. 

Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 12:34 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

I didn't adjust the whole table, just the bottom few entries. I have no evidence that it's inaccurate at printing temps, though my attempts to verify that haven't been successful.

Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 12:36 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Sounds great to have all the Mosquito Firmware in one place.  So Far my setup is a stock MK3s/MMU2s with Mosquito Std / Magnum / Thermister / Heater.  New 350w PSU this week.  I take it your fork is all good for this?  (I don't use the Skelestruder).  

Yes, but in your case, you would turn OFF (commend out) all the 0.9 motors and not select any gearing for the extruder. The only features you would activate would be by uncommenting the slice thermistor and magnum lines.

As you are on only a stock setup, you have quite a bit more printing accuracy and quality available via gearing and 0.9 motors should you decide to make the plunge later.

Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 1:05 pm
Estimable Member
RE: MK3S Mosquito integration

Yes, be sure to comment out the lines enabling the .9 motors! I spent several days pulling my (limited) hair out until I realized I had overlooked that!

Opublikowany : 22/07/2019 1:07 pm
Strona 14 / 20