how fast can the E stepper motor spin?
I have completed designing an entire extruder, it uses a 40x worm gear reduction so I need the extruder stepper motor to spin 40x faster
Some background: I also own another 3D printer that runs with the same setup, except with 2.85mm filament. With it I can still print with a 1.5mm diameter nozzle at blistering speeds. But to achieve the same performance with 1.75mm filament, I need to run the stepper motor 2.7x faster (to get the equivalent print speeds)
Basically, I will be changing Marlin's E_STEP to 40x. And also I need the motors to be capable of spinning 2.7x faster than what my old printer was capable of
Can the TMC2130 drivers handle such a speed?
Can the NEMA 17 motor handle such a speed? If not, then I'd still like to keep using the TMC2130s. Are there stepper motors capable of greater RPMs?
I am also considering modifying a VESC or ODrive so that a BLDC motor replaces the stepper motor, but that's another $200 modification
The 3rd option is... does the MMU2.0 support 2.85mm filament instead? I would simply redesign the extruder to use 2.85mm filament if that is the case.
Thank you