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CHT nozzle and printer settings (MK3S  

Daniel Morley
CHT nozzle and printer settings (MK3S

Hi guys 

so very recently bought a Bondtech 0.4mm CHT nozzle as an improvement to my MK3S but haven’t changed any of the settings for the printer such as print speed flow rates and anything else that I might be able to take advantage of with a high flow nozzle 

I’ve been looking around but can’t seem to find any info or profiles to use that I could use for the printer 

im fairly new to 3d printing and learning all the time but I’m a little stuck here as to what to do 

if anyone could let me know of all the settings I need to change to take full advantage of the CHT nozzle it would be greatly appreciated 

(all printer settings are stock and standard)

Postato : 24/09/2024 9:24 am
Reputable Member

If you want my opinion, those so called high flow nozzles are just a marketing argument used by some brands to improve sales. The flow capacity of a hotend is set mainly by the design and material of the heater block (copper being more efficient than aluminum ) and the power in watts of the heater element. Nozzles with sophisticated internal paths improve only marginally the real flow of molten filament. More important is a fact that manufacturers 'forget' to mention. When these nozzles suffer a clog they're a real PITA to clean. Good luck performing a cold pull with one of them..

Questo post è stato modificato 5 months fa da Artur5
Postato : 25/09/2024 4:24 pm
Adrian Krawczyk
RE: CHT nozzle and printer settings (MK3S

got the same... bought 0.6 CHT oBxidian nozzle and did nothing with the settings because i didnt know what and where, so only one thing was changed that this new CHT nozzle was hardened, so in setup add new HF nozzle. Additionaly after a month of printing got filament broke and struck in this nozzle so could not remove it and could not push it througt by needle or something. Watched some comparisment videos and all says that less problems with underflowing in special cases are visible, so problably they do something at all, but they are harder to fix after clog like @Artur5 said. 

Postato : 13/11/2024 10:17 am
Estimable Member
RE: CHT nozzle and printer settings (MK3S

I put CHT nozzle on all of my printers. I like them.
As a rule of thumb, if I didn't calibrate the max volumetric speed, I set the it to 120% of the initial one. It is a conservative value.
Cold pulls are nice, the tip is weird. I always do it with some PA filament. I use PA only for cold pull and I have few samples for that.

Postato : 20/11/2024 1:26 pm