Adding 4-pin LED Strip
Hi guys,
I currently have a Mk3S set up with Octoprint for my robotics team, and I am trying to add an LED strip so I can actually see things through the webcam when the room's lights are off.
I harvested a 5v 4-pin LED strip from our old and defuct Makerbot, and I'm looking into connecting it the Einsy RAMBo board (following Tom Sanladerer's video). I'm not very experienced with electronic components, so I'm not entirely sure which ports on the printer are okay to use and which ones aren't.
The extension ports are all occupied (or will be, once we get the MMU2), so I'm looking at connecting a MOSFET the J19 slots:
How bad of an idea is this?
Re: Adding 4-pin LED Strip
I'd love to have an answer there because I try something similar - having some LED Stripes (RGBW) installed and have it controlled by GCODE. The other alternative would be via octoprint on the Raspberry directly, but I'd prefer the printer to set the color...
Re: Adding 4-pin LED Strip
just use the ras pi