Slic3r 1.36.2 Avoid crossing perimeters not working
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Slic3r 1.36.2 Avoid crossing perimeters not working  

New Member
Slic3r 1.36.2 Avoid crossing perimeters not working

Hi All,

I have a certain problem with this option. I am trying to print a tube about 30mm in diameter, with about 1mm wall thickness - lets say it is a pipe. I am printing it with Ninja Flex. When I am using slic3r with Flex profile (not modified), there is a problem with stringing. As I expect, as the Ninja Flex is highly compressible, there is a lot of stringing. The problem is - there is a lot of stringing inside the pipe. There is an option mentioned in the thread title. However it does not work. Of course, with this option selected, the slicing process takes noticeably longer than without, but the outputted gcode still has a lot of movements that leave the shape and reenter on the other side. When I use Cura with combing mode set, there is no movement across the pipe, rather all movements are kept inside the model - however the surface finish is worse than from the slic3r.

Does anyone have a nice profile for Cura to use TPU or (more preferred answer) - does anyone know how to force slic3r to obey " Avoid crossing perimeters" the same way as Cura does with "Combing"?

Postato : 01/08/2017 10:25 pm