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Print in the air???  

New Member
Print in the air???


i'm trying to solve a slicing software problem.
Please can anybody help me to understand what i should do for avoid to the printer to print the top layer where is no "infill support"??
What is the solution??

Why Simplify3D don't make a flat top layer under the words instead Slic3r??

I don't want to increase the infill %.. Now it's 10%

Thanks a lot for the help 😀

Publié : 26/07/2017 2:53 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Print in the air???

Here's what i would do: add a 2nd process a few layers below where it is airpinting now and increase infill for that small section only - or even do 2-3 solid layers (enough to not run into pillowing). Btw. free upgrade to Simplify3D v4.0 makes setting up processes waaay easier...

Publié : 27/07/2017 5:13 pm
Noble Member
Re: Print in the air???

Have you tried printing it? Slic3r has pretty good bridging detection, and it might just be bridging over that section.

I have had problems with supports, but never infill using Slic3r.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Publié : 28/07/2017 5:08 am
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