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How forked is firmware 3.1.0 from Marlin?  

Reputable Member
How forked is firmware 3.1.0 from Marlin?

Hi all!
So I was teaching myself how to roll my own G-code by reverse engineering what came out of Cura, Slic3r and Simplify on the same STL with "same" settings. You know, for fun! And I noticed my MK2S on firmware 3.1.0 was ignoring G0 vs. G1 code. Baby steps. Now I have a list of observed G-code from Prusa's GitHub but I am sure it is incomplete as to the whole observed commands. Does anyone have a list handy? I'd like to know what commands I'm throwing into the black hole or if my neon tangerine robot will carry them out.

What I am currently trying to do is a logic that will wait for user to clear boogers prior to print, but I want it to be annoying and also adapt heat during pause. Again, baby steps.

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Napsal : 25/01/2018 11:47 pm