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Getting Slic3r Prusa Edition on Octoprint  

Estimable Member
Getting Slic3r Prusa Edition on Octoprint

I would think this would be a topic covered, but I can't find much. I'm using Optoprint on a Rasberry Pi 3. I have installed the Slic3r plugin, but I am a bit lost on how to install the Slic3r Prusa Edition software on OctiPrint. I saw some notes saying it will work, but not being a Linux expert, I'm a bit lost. I created the batch .sh file, but I'm not sure how to put it on the Rasberry Pi and in what directory. The instructions just assume you know all this, and obviously I don't. Could anyone point me to simple instructions that don't assume lots of Linux experience?


Respondido : 12/04/2017 9:49 pm
Christopher Edgar
New Member
Re: Getting Slic3r Prusa Edition on Octoprint

Did you have any luck? This def. seems harder than it should be.

Respondido : 02/05/2017 8:25 am
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations
Re: Getting Slic3r Prusa Edition on Octoprint


i got OctoPrint with Sli3cr Plug-in and Prusa Slic3r on the C.H.I.P.
It was some work to do and the result is questionable:
- The C.H.I.P., RPi, etc. are smal computers with not that much CPU power and complex STL files can take hours/days to be sliced while doing it on a normal computer takes few minutes.
- You just can use predefined Slic3r profiles and have no preview how the sliced model will look.

check http://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/software-f13/anyone-running-octoprint-on-usd9-chip--t2913.html#p23179
and check http://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/software-f13/slic3r-linux-t3477.html

But if you are willing to try, here some hints I used to get it installed:
You have to change the the default github clone URl to the Prusa github URl

- https://github.com/alexrj/Slic3r/wiki/Running-Slic3r-from-git-on-GNU-Linux
- http://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/slic3r/

1. Download ssh client like putty from http://www.putty.org/
2. Download and SCP client (WinSCP for Windows https://winscp.net/eng/index.php?#utm_source=winscp&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=5.9.2 )
3. Open and connect to RaspberryPi with the SSH client with user 'pi'
3.a. You should be in the home dir of user 'pi'
4. Open and connect to RPi with SCP clinet with user 'pi'
4.a. browse to /home/pi
4.b. upload the 'slic3r_install.sh' from your computer to the RPi
4.c. right-click on the uploaded file and choose properties
4.c.i. Change the Octal 0644 to 0755 (or mark X for Owner,Group,Others)
5. switch to SSH client
5.a. check with 'ls -l' if the 'slic3r_install.sh' is there and the rights (-rwxr-xr-x)
5.b. follow the instructions of http://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/slic3r/ step 4 and so on

Respondido : 04/05/2017 2:44 pm