XYZ calibration failed. Can't get past this! Please help!
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XYZ calibration failed. Can't get past this! Please help!  

Eminent Member
XYZ calibration failed. Can't get past this! Please help!

So just a little history so everyone knows, I built the printer and then was able to calibrate it and run some test prints just fine. Had to do a little tuning to get the calibrations to finish, but I eventually got them with minimal effort. Then I noticed that my Y axis was skipping, and that there was too much slack in the belt. I adjusted it, and now that belt is as tight as can be and there's no skipping what so ever. I ran a couple prints with that and they turned out pretty good, but with minor issues, which led me to discover that my X axis also had some skipping issues, and so I tightened that up as well. Since tightening the X belt, I cannot get past the calibration process. One of two things always happens, I either get past the first four probe checks and get the "XYZ Calibration failed. Please consult the manual", or I'll get past the first 9 probe checks just after the first set of four, and get the exact same message. Never has it been a different message. I've tried making sure the X axis is parallel with the Y, and I swear it's not going to get any more perfect. I've also moved the PINDA probe to just about every height I could possibly imagine, and still no success. I have absolutely no idea what to do at this point. I don't know if something has gone wrong with me bed, or my probe, but I seriously hope that's not the case as I've been waiting for this since November.

As a side note, I also did a factory restore, and when that didn't work I did a complete reflash of the firmware. Still, nothing has worked. Someone PLEASE help me, I have no idea how to get past this message at this point, there's nothing else I can think to do. I've even measured the frame and my numbers are pretty much on point, I don't see how I could get this message instead of a "slightly skewed" type message.

EDIT: I've discovered that the back right of the printing bed is somehow higher up that the rest of the sides. Tested it by moving the printer head to all four corners, and that corner is the only one I can't fit a piece of paper under the nozzle. Still not quite sure how to solve this.

Veröffentlicht : 19/01/2017 2:37 am
Mitglied Moderator
Re: XYZ calibration failed. Can't get past this! Please help!

Hi Tyler, if you didn't had this issue initially, I do not see why the bed will become suddenly higher on the back, you should first identify the root cause why the probe is not doing it's job.

When you are calibrating the 9 points, if you look from the top, is the probe well positionned regarding the bed landmark or is it crossing it ?

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Veröffentlicht : 19/01/2017 10:19 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: XYZ calibration failed. Can't get past this! Please help!

Hi Tyler, if you didn't had this issue initially, I do not see why the bed will become suddenly higher on the back, you should first identify the root cause why the probe is not doing it's job.

When you are calibrating the 9 points, if you look from the top, is the probe well positionned regarding the bed landmark or is it crossing it ?

So, I spent some more time with it this morning and what eventually fixed the issue was me slightly loosening up the X-axis belt. As soon as I did that I was able to calibrate with no issue at all. Since I'm new to this, and this is my first printer, this is a mystery to me still.

But now that I have the printer calibrating properly, I have a new issue! The V2 Calirbation code wont print evenly in the slightest. The top right of the print isn't squished enough, the left side is squished ok, and the middle bottom lines are squished way too much. Changing the bed level manually in the software doesn't seem to change anything, and my bed is screwed in correctly.

Veröffentlicht : 20/01/2017 2:19 am
Mitglied Moderator
Re: XYZ calibration failed. Can't get past this! Please help!

mmmmh, did you do the XYZ calibration since your changes ?

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Veröffentlicht : 20/01/2017 2:40 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: XYZ calibration failed. Can't get past this! Please help!

mmmmh, did you do the XYZ calibration since your changes ?

Yes. What I've discovered is that my print bed is higher up in the middle and it seems to be causing these issues. There's no way for me to screw it down because the screws are already all the way in, it just kind of bends upwards naturally. What I'm going to try is put washers on all the corner screws, to level things out. If not, I might need to contact customer service to look into getting a new plate, because this one seems to be warped.

Veröffentlicht : 20/01/2017 5:48 pm