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V2 Calibration for .25 nozzle  

Michael Roth
Active Member
V2 Calibration for .25 nozzle

Is there a V2 Calibration gcode for for the different nozzle sizes? I'm looking for one for a .25 nozzle.


Opublikowany : 20/03/2017 2:08 pm
Member Moderator
Re: V2 Calibration for .25 nozzle

➡ have a look at my "life adjust z - my way" thread here.
🙄 i just added a version for 0.25mm nozzles. but it's untested (got only 0.40mm nozzles).
so it would be nice if you'll leave a comment after testing the calibration gcode.

behaviour should be the same as for the previous (0.40mm) versions: lower the z-live value (make it more negative) until the filament sticks properly to the printbed and the result is a unique sheet / film (no separte strains). then take out your digital calliper and optimize the adjustment until you've found the minimum.

:mrgreen: and yes: in the middle of the print there is a short acoustic signal, that reminds you to change the adjustment value (i recommend to read the whole thread mentioned) and the "magic" g-commands, that tell the printer that he should remember the z-adjustment value and shouldn't complain anymore, are also included.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Opublikowany : 20/03/2017 9:11 pm
Michael Roth
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: V2 Calibration for .25 nozzle

Thanks! I'll give it a try soon & let you know.


Opublikowany : 21/03/2017 12:54 pm