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Retract issue with filament stuck  

New Member
Retract issue with filament stuck

Hello the prusa community.

I think i have a problem with my print settings. By default, on slic3r, for PLA, we have 0.8mm retract. with this settings, I still have some stringing.
I also have some stringing with TPU, or with nylon with this kind of settings.

For all theses filaments, i tried to upgrade this value to 3mm of retractation. Usually, sith this settings, the print starts correctly, but after some time (can be 3 or 4 minutes, or event 2 hours...) the filaments stucks somewhere, and the extrudeur is not able to push it anymore. Even by hand, i cannot push forward the filament inside the extruder. I have to stop the prints, and then make some manipulations, like heat a little bit more ... and try to pull out the filament by hand.

When i put 0 retract, every print is finishing. (but with stringing of course...)

What am I doing wrong?
Prusa mk2 cannot handle 3mm retract ? (PLA TPU or nylon, same problem)
Too low temperature? (I am printing PLA and sainsmart TPU on 200, and taulman bridge nylon on 245)

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Napsal : 26/06/2017 10:46 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Retract issue with filament stuck

Hi Julien,

the Prusa Mk2 and Mk2S both work best with small retraction lengths. longer retraction lengths are a bit like a time bomb... you never know for sure, when the clog will occur, if ever...

however a number of people have experienced clogs at these larger retract values.

expert printers suggest not exceeding 1mm

other things to try are wipe distance, not crossing perimeters, extruder temperature and retract rate.

best wishes, Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 26/06/2017 11:33 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Retract issue with filament stuck

Thanks for this reply, which confirms what I saw. I will try to put 1mm retract.

I will try on nylon , but i am almost sure that there will be some stringing.

You spoke about wipe distance, not crossing perimeters, extruder temperature and retract rate :

-Wipe distance, in what way i have to modify it ?? lower? higher?
- Not crossing perimeters : i will check if i²t is activated.
-Extruder temp : for the nylon for example, i am not sure that it will affect the stringing significantly....
-Retract rate : what is retract rate? I see only speed and length on slic3r ?


Napsal : 26/06/2017 2:21 pm